Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap.'I. An Expofition upon the Bookof J Ó B. Vert 8. This we may underftand fiat as a caule or reafon why yob fell under the fpecial confideration or obfervation ofSatan, 1-Lift thou not confidered myfervant Job, besaufe (fo fome render that par- ticle) or in as much, or for that, there is not the like to him in the Earth ? As if God-thould -fay, there is reafon why he mutt needs be taken into thyconfideration;becaufe there is not rue I. another manas he in the Earth. You know that a man is quickly taken notice of, when there are none like unto him, in the place or com- pany where he is,If a man walk in the fireets,or come into a houíè, who is ofan extraordinary tallnefs, force will ask the quettion, did younot obferve fucha man, for there was never a man in the company,never aman in the ftreet fo tall as he?So one that is ex- traordinary in beauty, or extraordinary in rich apparel, every one hath an eyeupon fuch. The reafon why many are obferved,is, be- caufe they are not like to others, they are beyondOthers in quality or in habit. So here, Haft thou not confidered myfervant Job, that there it none like unto him in theEarth ? thou muff needs take no- tice ofhim. Or again,it may be underftood thus as the matter which, Sa- tan Ihould confider and obferve in Job, ,Haft thou not confidered anyfervant Job,f . in this thing, that there is not a mail upon the. Earth like to him? Haft thou not taken notice ofthis in hina?Thou who halt looked over all men, and haft (as it were) lifted all mens manners,haft thounot obferved thus much,That there isnot fuch aman upon the Earth as yob ? Hath not that fallen under thy ob- fervation So now in the words (there is none like him) there is a fecret advancing ofthe praifeofJob, For there is nothing that can be El quaff qu,i.. fpoken more to the praifeofa man then this, to fay, that there is danAPafoßrfrrs none like him. Though you fay no more,you have Paid áll. As the maxi,narut Scripture (we know) fets forth the wonderful praifes of God, d" um' Exod. 15. r i. Who is like unto thee; 0 Lorde, amongft the Gods ? who is like thee ? Which is refolved into the negative, there is none amongft the gods like unto thee,there is none like unto thee. This is the high praifeofGod, Mir. 7.18. Who it a God like un- to thee, thatpardonetb iniquity ? It is the highefl commendation ofGod to fay,there is none like him,to fet him above all creatures. In likemanner here in the Text, when it isaffirmed, That there was none likeJob ; this fetteth him up in all praifes and excellen- eies to the higheft : though particulars he concealed, ye, whatfo- 0 2 ever 99