Chap. r. AnrExpof tion upon thé Boo o fJ O B. Verf 9. 109 all that he had done. Thofc that come unto God upon fuch terms, they are not holy,but crafty;they make a trade with God,they do not ferve God ; it is not Obedientía; but Mercatura, as one expreir eth its it is merchandizing with God, not obeying him. Thereis reward enough inGodhimfelf,there is reward enough in the very duties themfelves,work and wages go together. Therefore for any to be carried out to the fervice of God upon outward things, ar- gues a bafe and an earthly fpirit.As fin is punifhment enough unto it felf,though there were noother punifhment, though there were no hell to come after, yet to do evil is or will be hell enough unto it felf:So to do good is reward enough unto it felf.AHeathen Poet er ftcite tn- obferved it as a brand ofiufatny upon the age wherein he .lived, vem:uihur of that moil did repent that they had done good orwere goodgratir, nom virioten or for nougiit,that the price of all goodaEtions fell in their eileem, pretiumqui pu; unlefs they could raife themfelves. If a Heathen condemn'd this, tot ef efut. how damnable is it among Chriftians ? Et grads g p octet But here a queilion will arife, and I (hall a little debate it, be-prowum.,ovtd,. caute it doth further clear the main point ; May we not have re- dePont. fpeet to our own good, or unto the benefit wefhall receivefront God Isit unlawful to have an eye to bur own advantage, while we do our duty ? Mullwe ferve God for nought in that ftric t fenle, or elfe will God account nothing of all our fervices ? I (hall clear that in five briefCoticlufions,and thefe will;I fup- pofe) fully flue the fence of this Text, and ofthis fpeech. - The firft is this.There is no mandoth or poflibly can ferve God for nought : God hathby benefits already.. beflowed,and by bene- fits promifed, oùt -eyed and out -bidall the endeavoursand fervi- ces ofthe creature.If a man had a thoufand pair of hands,a thou- fand tongues, and a thoufand heads, and fhould fet themall on work for God,he were never able to anfwer the engagements and obligations which God hath already put upon him. Therefore this is a truth, that no man can in a Thrift fence ferve God for nought. God is not beholden. to any creature for anywork or fervice that is done unto him. Again, fecondly, This is further tobe confidered : The more outward bleflìngs any one Both receive,themore he ought to ferve God, and the more fervice God looks for at his hands. That is another Conclufion. Therefore we find hill; that when God hash bellowed many outward bleffings upon any, either perlons or Na- tiOns,he chargeth anacknowledgement upon them ; Hof: 2.g. She P 3.. did