Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. z.. An Expofition upon the $ookof J OB. Verf. i o. but there is no profpering, no lucceeding till God come with a bleihng: 71).ia bait ble¡jed the workof his hands. Some, take all to themfelves, and thank their own Iabours; their own wildom, po licy and parts.. Others aCcribe all to their good fortune, 6-c. We fee Satan himlelf here preacheth a truth that will-confute them, he is more orthodox then thefe pradical Atheifts. Satan acknow- icdgeth, Thou haft bleffed. ..Then again, wemay obferve , Thou haft bleffedthe workofhis hands. Every one ought to be a manof imployment.. Every one ought to have fòme bufnee to turn .his hand unto. Ira the former part of this Chapter, we read ofJobs piety and hnlinefs,and of his zeal in the worthip of God: Here now we fee jobs careanddiligence in his place and calling wherein God had èt him, which is called the morkof his hands. Every One mutt have two callings, and the onehelpeth forward the other Job feared God, and Job went on in the bufìnc.fs which God let him. job is faid to ferve God con- tinually,and yet job did work continually. There two continuals may, well iland tògether : for both the continuals are takenfor their feafons; continually, that is feafonably, according to the fe- veral opportunities God called him to, and put into his hands. This rebukes thole who have no labour, who can thew no work of Gen. 3 19. their hands. It was laid to Adam and in him to mankind,not only as a curfè,but as a command, In thefweat of thy face thoufhalt eat thy breadtill thou return to earth; this is laid upon all, In thefweat ofthy face thou(halt eat thy bread : Not that every man is bound to labour in fuck an impìeytnent as caufeth the face to fweat :.but thereby is meant ferions labour and Employment in fome honeft Calling : Co here the work of the hands is taken not ttriEtly, but for any imploytnent wherein yob was ferviceable to God, his Country. Put thefe two together, Thou haft bleffed, and thou haft blued the workof hra hands, and we may obferve from both, That the Lcrd dolighteth to blefs thofe who are induftrious. It is fel- dorn that there is an induflriotts hand, but there is a bleflïng of God upon it ; Hence as we .find in one place, The diligent hand I'r°v..ta. 4 maretb rich, fo in another, The bleifin,g.of God maketh rich. The 1 row. 'o. 22_blcfing of God maketh rich, and the diligent hand maketh rich, neither cf them alone, but both con}oyned the bletfiug of God upon a diligent hand makes rich ; a diligent hand cannot make rich without God, and God doth not uthally make rich without a