Chap. t. 'AnExpofition upon the Bookof f G B. VerC r t. 129 fay, that he fhould have the forefi and deepef{ wound that his c- fatewas capable of : he would have him whipt, not with cords, but with Scorpions;he would have the little finger of God heavier upon him,than his loyns upon others. Deftroy him, undo him by your touching. He (peaks by the figure tafavis,which is whenwe go lefs in our exprefíions then in our intentions, whenour words are lower then our fpirits: And that is proper for Satan,who is the great deceiver,the great jugler in word and deed;to defire that Job fhould only be touched,when he meant he fhould be utterly undone and ruined. Touch . all that he hath,that is,all his efiate, all his poffefions, his children, his fa- mily,hiscattel, whatfoever belongethunto Job, let all - feel an un- doingüüroak from thy hand. Before I come to that which he undertakes upon the affliction, I (hall obférve twoor three things from the words, thus far ope- ned. Put forth now thine hand. We may note from that, The extream importunity of Satan to do mifchief; He would not give Goda minutes nor a moments refpite to confider this thing, but do it now, prefently, let him prefently be afllided ; he makes hafte to deffroy,he makes hafte tofhedblood: theirfeet arefwift toflied blood, as the Pfalmift (peaks. So Satan, his feet are fwift to theft blood. when Satan would have God to aflid us, do it prefently, faith he. When Satan would have us fin agaittit God, do it prefently, faith he, now fin, now provoke God, donot flay till the next day ; but whenwe are called to give up our felves to God, then tomorrowwill ferve the turn, and next year will ferve to repent, yea whenyouare old, 'cis time enough to repent ; whenhe tempteth todo any mifchief,any fin,then now, now fin, but'tis time enough to dogood hereafter, to morrow will ferve for that, Putforth now thine hand, and touch all that he bath. It isa truthwhichSatanhere fpeaks concerning the hand of God ; That ifit do but touch the highe(t and greateft eftate in the world, it will fall topeices quickly. There is a truth in it,take it in the eafieft fence that can be : if God do but lightly touch the efiate of a man, it will foon fall in pekes. God is not put to any firefs to arñieî and punifh, as Pfal. Si. 14. IJ ould foon have ftsbdued their enemies, and have turnedmy bandagain(( their adver- S faries: