Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. I An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verl:12 . power,only uponhimfelfput not forth thinehand.So Satanwentforth from the pretence ofthe Lord. We have in this verte Firtì, Gods Commiffionor his Permif- lion untoSatan, Beholdall that he ,loath rs in thine hand. And Secondly, His limitation of the Commiffion, Only upon himfelf put not forth thine hand. Thirdly, Satans fpeedy execution of hisCommitlion , So Satan went forth from the prefence of the Lord. The Lord Paidunto Satan, All that he bath is in thy hand, t by power, fo we trantlate it : the word in the Original is, all is in thy band. Satan moved that God wild put forth his hand a- gainft Job; and God puts lob into Satans hand. Lett Satan fhould cavil that Godhad touched himbut lightly, he puts him intoSatans power, and lets him do it hirnfel , who would do it throughly. The hand (as we before noted) is put, for power ; and whenany thing is put into the hand, it is put into the power or difpofitionofanother , Exod. 4.2I. ThouJhalt do all the won- ders before Pharaoh which I have put into thy band. And John 3.35. The Father loveth the Son, and loath given all things into his band. This phrafe ofgiving or putting into the hand is taken either for good, or for evil. Sometime the putting ofa thing into ones hand, is only for the managing and difpofiüg ofit for good, as Gen. 39:7, 8. Jofeph Paid that his Matter had committed all that he had into his hand, that is, to take careof it, and to order it for his matters benefit,profit,and honour : But often to put or to give into the hand, is for evil, to do what you will with per- fons or things, to punith or toafflict them, Judg. 6, i. God de- livered the Ifraelites into the hand of the Midian, that is, he left them to the power ofthe Midianites, to tyrannize over and vex them : And verj:7. God delivered Midian into the ['hand of If 1.2. rael,that is, he gave Ifrael power over them to defiroy or aflliC them. Sohere, hegave all into the hand of Satan,that is,he gave Satan leave todifpofe of Job's eftateas he pleafed. As if Godhad _Said toSatan ; Thou haft leave to dowhat thou wilt with jobs outward eftate, fpoil it,plunder it,.defiroy it, confume it, fire it thou haft free leave,all that he bath h in thy hand. We thall notea point or two from that. You fee, as Loon as ever Satanbathmade-his motion, God prefently anfwereth, all that he bath is in thy hand. It is not always an argument of Gods good mill and love to have:áurmotions granted. Many are heard T and 137