Chap.i. AnExpofition upon the Bookof J OB. Vert. 13. 145 Chaldeans,verfe a 7.Secondly,thofeactive creatures,devouriug fire and flormy winds, the fïre,verfe 16. the wind,verfe 19. 3. The matter ofhis affliction, or in what he was afflicted, ±c in his outwardeftate. q.. The variety ofhis afflictions,he was not fmitten in Tome one thing, in fome one part ofhis outward efiate, but he was afflicted in all,his Oxen,hisAfïes,and his Cammels violently taken away,bis Sheepburnt up by the fire;his tons and his daughters overwhel- med and crufhed by the fall ofan houfe, all his fervantsattending upon thefe,flain,confumed,deftroyed,excepting only one from e- very ftroak,tobe the fad relator or meffenger of thefe calamities. 5. The fuddennefs ofhis afflif ions, they came all upon him in one day. d.The unceffantnefs of the report of thefe afliftions,the found ofthem all was in his earsat once : as they wereall brought upon him inone day,fo theyare all told him in one hour, yea by the ftoryit doth appear, there were but very few moments between the firft and the laft: Forthe Text faith, that no fooner hadone. aaefï'enger ended his doleful news,but another begins,nay,they did riot flay fo long as to let one another make an end , but the_Text faith ; While the former wasyet [peaking, there came another and faid, and fo while thenext was yet (peaking, there came another and faid,andwhile he wasyet(peaking, another, &c. So that Satan did not give gob fo much as the leaft minute of intermiffon to breatha while,or recoiled himfelf.His troubles both in the acting and in the reporting,weredole linked together, like a chain, one withanother, and hewithin them allfaff bound, andyetfree. Thefe are obfervable through the whole context concerning this great affliction ofgob. Nowwe will confider the afflictions thernfelves, their feveral parts,and open the words in which they are prefented to us. Vert. 13. And there was a day when bits Sons andDaughters were eating anddrinking Wine intheir eldefi brothers houfe. And there was a day.] To every thing there is a featn (faith Eater.. ;. r. Solomon) and a timefor everypurpofe under the Sun. God bath a time for his purpofes, God hath his day : Man bath a time for his purpofes, and fo hath Satan : any day will not ferve his y turn,