Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. I. Aat Expofition upon the Bookof j nB. Verf a love-feaft. Thus he did with Chrift ; it is obfèrved that when Chrift had failed 40.. dayes and40. nights,and afterwards was an hungry, then the Tempter came, he layes hold of this advantage, he would not come till he was hungry, toperfwade him to turn hones into bread. -What a ftrength had this temptation from the feafon ? Who would not make bread for himfelf if he can,. when he is hungry ? hadChrill been hill, there had not been fuch an edge upon, fuch a weight in the temptation. HowmanyBoth Sa- n provoke to turn hones into bread, when he comes to them in their hunger ? Thou art in a ftrait, like to flarve and perilh, turnhones into bread, that is, procure thy felt meat and provi- fion.byunlawful and tinful wayes; this is indeed to turn Hones into bread. So here at this time when jab was rejoycing (as . doubtlefs he did) tofee.the loveand unity of his children ; now at this time Satans attempts to turn their bread into a hone," to br.uife and break the heart of their tender Father. AfiLfions pref.: mofi- wben they ttre leall expelled. Let us obfèrve then this mixture ofmalice and cunning,in-Satan. in choofing his time. Tocarry a man fromone extremity to anò- ther,puts him upon thegreatèfl extremity : To make the day-of a mans greatefl rejoycing to be the day of his deepeft forrows, this is cutting,ifnot killing forrow. To be brought from extrealfl. farrow to extream joy fuddenly, doth ratheramaze then com- fort the fpirit ofman. :. It. laid, that when the Lord turned a- gain the captivity ofZion, the people were like them that dream, the change was fo great,fó.fudden,that they were rather aftonithed 8z": amazed then comfortedwith it,fora while. So, much more to be hurried from extream joy toextream forrow,from the borders of comfort to the brink of death on a fudden,is not fo much to of li& a man,as to confound and difira t him. This courre Satan takes with lob. It were well ifwe could be wi1è in this refpe t to imitate Satan, to choofe out our day to do good when there is greateft probabi- lity offuccefs, as he chofe out his day todo mifchief : It is theA- poi les rule, as you have opportunity to dogood; ifwe could be wife to lay hold upon opportunities, it would be a wonderfull .. advantage to us ; as a wordfitly fpoken, is a wordupon the wheel, fo a work fitly done, is a work upon the wheel, it goethon, takes upon the heart both ofGodand man. Let us confider whe- ther nowwe have not a feafon, whether thisbe nota day. that hold