Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

a.o Ver An Expofition upon the Bookof J ® B. Chap. T. t the faireft and cleareft day of our outward comfort may b e clouded andovercaft before the evening. It was as fair day as ever began in jobs family, fa feafi, and a feast with wine, and that in the eldeft liróthers houfe, and yet all was darknefs before night. This-is true in reference to ungodly men, great and terrible judgments fall fuddenly upon them ; their light is turned into darknefs in a moment, as-Chrit compares it to the 'dayes of No- ah, and the'dayesof Lot ; As it was (faith he) in the days of Noah , they -did eat, thy drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the Ark, and the Podcame and deftroyed them all ; and as it was in the dayes of-Lot, &c. bothwhich are ,fet out in two words by the _e 7hef. 5.3. Apoflle when they¡hallfaypeace andfafety,then fuddendeftrulion cometh. Thus it is with ungodly men, their Sun often .lets at 'Noon, when they fay, yea when they conclude all's well, then judgement mixt with wrath is at the door. This is a-truth alto in reference to ungodly men, and the Churches ofGod, all their outward comforts may be clouded in a day, while they arceating and drinking,not'fìnfully, but in a holy manner : fuppofe as the Cor, ío.31 ApofIe advifèth, to the glory ofGod, yet even at that time all may prefently be taken away. And therefore as the Apofile faith, re- r. Cor, 7.3.o. Joyce as -ifyou rejoyced not in the creature, and cat as ifyou did scot W cat, and buy as ifyou poifeffed not : hy? For the fathion of this world , the Scheme of this world paffeth away. You fee it did with f ob;'in' what a goodly fathion was his worldly eftate in the morning,how was it drei} and adorned in perfea beauty,in all its excellencies (as we heard it before defcribed,) yet before night all the fathion ofit paft away;and the beauty of it was quite blafi- ed:Therefore you that have great eftates, and good eflates, eftates well gotten, well govern d,be not high minded, truft not in ì Tim. 617. riches,-Ifriches increafe, and if they increafe in a right WA 61. ro way1yetfez notyour hearts upon them, for the fathion of worldly things quickly paffeth away;Riches make themfèlves wings to fly -away,when thou art making doors and locks, bolts and bars to . keep them in. That for the time in the 13. verfe. But what did Satan upon this day? That isfet forthin the r4.verfe,and fo on. Andthere came a. f - finger unto Job, andfa d,7he Oxenwere plewing,and theAff'esfeed- ingbefide them. There