Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

:16'0 'Vert z 6. Alt Expoftion upon the Bookof JfO B. Chap. a> unqueflionable. There was no mercy in fuch á fparing. And we may obferve out of it, that which Solomon fpeaks of the mercies of the wicked is molt true of Satans ; The very tender mercies of Satan are cruel, the bell of his mercies, his fparings are . wòundings,henever fpareth but with an intent to do further hurt. :óbs aliCtionshad not gone fo deep,if this man hadnot been left to bring the meffage. It followeth, Verf. r6.While he was yetfpeaking there came alto another andfaid, thefire ofGodisfallen fromHeaven, and path burnt up the Sheep and thefrvants, and confumed them, andlonly am efeapedalone to tell thee. inthis verfe we have the fecond charge which this greatenemy gives job,while he wasyetfpeaking,tbere came a1Jo another.Afielions jildomego alone ; and therefore when one affliEtion is ended, look another fhould begin,and labour to prepare for it. Job having re- ceived this meffage of the lòfs ofhis cattel and death of his fer- vants, while the meffenger was yet fpeaking,a fecond comes with a ladder Flory then that.Satan would not give him the leaft breath- ing or intermiflion, while he was yet 'peaking; one evil treads upon the heel ofanother;as wave overtakes wave in the Sea ; fb it Was here, here was wave after wave, tooverwhelm hisfpirit. And as it is'faid in the Revelation, concerning him that fat on the white `horfethat he ridout conquering and to conquer;there was no inter- million ofhis viétories;fo Satan goethforthafiEting and toafilid, vexing and to vex,temptingand to tempt, he will never give.o- ver. While he wasyet fpeaking, there came alfo another,andPaid, the fireofGod is fallen upon thyfheep.' Thefire ofGod. Why is it here called the fire of God? Some conceive it is called thefire ofGod, becaufe fent from God.: that isafribed to God, which comes from God, as that Gen. z9. 24. where it is Paid, that Lord did rain fire and brintfione upon Sodom' out of 'Heaven from theLord', or Jehovah did rain from Jehovah free` upon So- dom to confumeit AidLevit. Ìo. 2.. it is laid, That a fire went outfrom the Lord; andconfirmed Nabad and 'Abihu..Elijah pro- cures