162 Chap. 1. AnExpofitio t upon the Bookof OB. Verf. 16 itì üft: I , Futgar maxi. mum,jun. God,therefore every thing that is moli excellent, is afcribed unto God. It is moil equal that his name ihould be (lampt upon all excellent things in the creature, who is the caufe of all creature excellence. This fire beinga (}range and extraordinary fire is faid tobe the fire of God. This fire ofGod isconceived to have been force terrible fla(lr of lightning, which in a moment deftroyed and confumed the cheep and (hepheards.And this is more probable,becauferit is faid tafall down fromHeaven,that is,out of the air;for fu often in Scripture Heaven is put for theaire,the middle region of the aire,where Sa- tan bath great power,thereforehe is called,the Princeoftbe aire;He cando mighty things, command much in that Magazin of Hea- ven,where that dreadfull Artillery, which makes men tremble, thofe fiery Meteors,Thunder and Lightning,are lodgedand Bored up.Satan let loofe by Godcan do wonders in the aire , he can raife liortus,he can difcharge thegreat Ordnance of Heaven, Thunder and Lightning,and by his art he can make themmore terrible & dreadful then they are in nature. If the skill and art of man can heighten natural things,then much more the skill ofSatan.I doubt not but many fearfull ímpreflions are made in the air by Devils, carryingnature (by Cods permiflion) far above its own courfe, and thefe are properly marvels or. wonders, (fuch as the Magicians wrought in Egypt, by the help of Satan) for miracles are quiteout of the Devils fphear. But he can do wonders, and fuchwas this fire falling from Heaven,&c. Amarvel or wonder is nature mighti- ly improved, a miracle is nature totally croffed, ifnot contradicted. ?bferve this for the nature of that fire ; the effea.of it followes in the next words. It hash burnt up the fheep and thefervants;andconfumed them. The word in the Original is, it did burn them and eat them. up. Fire is a devouringelement. Devouring fire, as beforea de- vouring Sword, thefe were devouring judgments uponJob. Yet it Both not nece(farily infer that the (beep were all burnt to a- fhes; but that the (beep were all killedby that flame oflightning that came from heaven;for it is laid ofNadaband Abibu(ofwhich we fipake before) that a fire went out from. God, and did ccnfume thèm, it is the fame Original word that is her in the Text, B. fire went out from God , and . did-eat them op ; yet we know