Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

to 'The I N T E 0 D V . C T .10 N. ofufe,for us: neither need we trouble our felves (be affured that the Spirit of Go.d ,indited the Book) who it-was that held the Pen. Only take this, that it is conceived to be, the firft piece of Scripture that was written ; take it to be written by -Motes , and then it is molt probable that he writ it before the deliveranceof the people ofIfrael out ofEgypt. while he was in Midian. Neither will I. thy you in the - fecondplace about the inquiry in-_ to, or rather about the refutation of that fancy, that thiswhole Book is a Parable rather then a Hittory ; like that of 'Lozano in the Gofpel, not a thing really aGted;but only a reprefenration of tuts.,,.; &:6. it. Now this,which was the dream ofmany of the JewsandTal- mud is, and is fafened with no finall clamour upon Luther by theJefitites, may clearly be convinced both by the names ofpla- ces and perfons , which we (hail haveoccafion to open when we- come to the Book it fell, and alto by thofe allegations ofthe Pro- phets and of the Apofiles concerningYob ; the Prophet Ezekiel quoting him with Noah andDaniel, twomen that unqueftionably wereextant, and acedglorious ,parts in the world, and therefore { eek14 14. yob alto. All that I will fay in .particular, !hall be in thefe three things. a. To {hew you more diitindtly the fubjea ofthis Book. 2. The parts and divifion ofit 3. The ufe or (cope and intendment of it. a. For the fubjed ofthisBook , we may confider it either as principal, oras collateral. The main and principal fubjec`l of this Book is contained, and I may give it you, in one verfe of the 34 Pfalm. Many are theaffli- our ofthe righteous,but the Lorddelivereth himout ofall. p, Concerning the fubjed, there are twogreat Queflions handled and difputed fully and clearlyin this Book. The firft is this: Whe- ther it cloth confift with the Juftice andgoodnefs of God to afflift a righteousand fincereperron, to!grip him naked, to take away all his outwardcomforts. Or, Whether it Both confift with the Juftice and goodnefs of God, that itfhouldgo ill with thofe that are.good,andthat _itfbonldgo wellwith thofe that are evil. This is one great debate, the main Queftion thoroughout theBook. And then fecondly,here is another great difpute in reference to theformer;namely,llPbether we may judgofthe righteoufnets or unrighteottfnef;r,ofthefincerity or fypocrzfte of any perfon, by the outwarddealings andprefeat difpenfa- lions of God towards him. That is afecond Quettionheredebated. The, á'a1m.34 ,i