Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

168 Chap. i. AnExpofition upon the Bookof J OB. Verf. 19. Secondly, The greatnefs -of it isPeen iu this, hischildren were all taken away ; to lofe all our children is as grievous ¡ás to lofe an only child; Now that is made á caufe of :the_higheft forrows, Zech. la. ro. -They /hall mournfor him, as one that mouruietb for an only fin : that is, they (hall mourn molt bitterly. Now as themeafures ofmercies may be taken by the comforts which they produce, fo we may take themeafure of anafifion by the forrow which it produceth, and that is the greateft aflíif.}ion which can- feth the greatefi forrow. Thirdly,it was a further greatningof the afifion,that they were all taken away fuddenly. Had death lent them fummons, by its ufual meffenger ficknefs, but a day before to prepare themfelves, it had much fweetned the bitternefs of this cup ; but to hear they were dead before he knew they were fick; yea, when he thought they were merry and rejoycing,how fad was this Fourthly, that theydyed a violent death, by a mighty windca- Ring the houle down upon them. Had they died in their beds (though fuddenly) it had been fornecafe to the Fathers heart : vio- lent death hath an imprcflìonofwrathupon it. And men can hard- ly judge well ofthofe, who fall by fuch judgments. Sufpiciorf will arile,ifcenfure pats not from better men then Barbarians, if they fee a viper on the hand of Paul, AEïs 26. It is more then pro- bable from our Saviours queftioa,that thole eighteen upon whom the Tower inShoe fell, and flew them, were commonly fuppofed greater finners, or finners above all men that dwelt in Hierufálem, Luk; 18.4. Fifthly, They were all takenaway when they were feafting, and this did exceedingly aggravate the affliction upon Job, that his children were alldeftroyed fieatling;for you know what the thoughts, ofjob were concerning his children at their feafling ; after they had done, he offered burnt-offerings according to the number of them all, for he laid, It may he myfans have finned and turfed God in their hearts. Now at this time , when Satan knew that Job was moll folicitious left his children fhould fin, at that time doth he defiroy them ; that fo their father might be afflic`ed with the thought, that his children died unreconciled to God, thats theydied with fin u upon them unrepented of: .That they died a double death,death atonce feifìng upon both foul-andbody.. This then was a,further degree of Satans malice, to wound, vex and grieve the fpirit of lob unto theuttnofj. How fadly and paflïonate.