Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

agó Vert ag. An Expofition upon the Bookof J OB; Chap.'. who arehis willing vafïals and bond-(laves ä ifhe fpeak the word, they goe; ifhe fuggefl, they fubmit ; if he move, they obey. And likewife we fee what a mighty Princehe is in the aire, all rice Ele- ments and the Meteors floop to his direction. He can not only command men who have reafon, but he can command the fire, the water, the winds, the thunders, therefore he is called the ppl a x Prince of thepowers of the aire ;. thofe powers that are in the aire he can command. For though it be true that Satan of hirnfelfe cannot make one fparkle offire,or fomuch as one breath ofwind yet it he be let loofe and unchained, he can goe to Gods Store-houle ofwinde and fire, he can goe to' Gods Magazin of thunder, florines and tempefis, he can fetch out fuch fiore ofall thefe, and fo enrage them, that no man is able to withfland their violence. Ephef. z,12. The Apofile taxes all naturaIl men, that they livewithout God in the world, that is, they live without a. fenfible apprehenfion of the Majefly , of the power, and holineffe of God, they are not affected with God in the world. I may fay in a fenfe unto many.godlymen ( and it may be a reproof unto them) that they live without the devill in the world, that is, they havenot fuch ap- prehenfions ofthe power and policy and sleights ofSatan, as they ought to have. We doenot know, or apprehend as weought, and as we might,who the devil is,or what his power is.I doe not fpeak this, as if I would have any meditate and pore upon the power of Satan,fo as to be afraid ofhim,thats no part of my intent:but it is for this end, that our hearts might be railed up to blefie God,who loth binde up fuch anenemy, and bound filch a power, who ifhe were let alone, would doe us michiefe ali hundred times in a day. Nay he would unquiet andunfettle the whole world. This is the rea fon whywe fhould confider the power and policy ofSatan, to blelle God, who flops the mouth of this Lyon, fo that he'carinot fir to do that mifchief,unto the which hisnature loth at once en- cline and enable him. Verfe