190 Chap. r. An Expofttionitpon the Bookof J Ò B. Verf. 20, Hefell upon the ground and worfhipped. Andmorfhipped.] To woríhip isto give to any one the honour due unto him : So the rendring unto God that love, that fear, that fervice, ; that honour, which is due untohim, is the worfhipping of God, that's the Scripture definition, Pfal. 29. 2. Give unto the Lord the honour due unto his name;then follows by way of expofi- tion,worfhip the Lord in the beauty ofholinefs,thatis,in his holy Tem- ple, in bis beautiful Sanctuary, or in the comelyhonour ofhis Sanilu- ary. So that,worfhip is the rendering ofhonour to the Lord,in a way honourable ro him , namely, according to his own will and laws of wor(hip : which is intimatedby coming to worfhip him inhis beautiful Sanctuary where all things about the fervice of God were'exaFtly prefcribed by God, A.nd then there was beauty or comely honour in4te Sancluary, when all things were ordered there by the rule ofhis preCcription ; varying anddeparting from which would have filled that holy place with darknefs and deformity, notwithilandingall the outward lustre and beauty had been pre- ferved. The worship of God is twofold ; there is internal worfhip, and there is external worfhip. Internal worfhip is to dove God, to fear God,and to tru(i upon him,thefe are as of inwardworfhip, thefe are the furo of our duty and Gods honour contained in the firft Commandement: And fo youmay underfiand worship in the Text, yobfell downand worfhipped, that is, prefently upon thofe reports he put forthan ad of love and holy fear, alts ofdependance and holy truft upon God,in his Spirit, faying to this efed within him- felt; Lord, though all this be come upon me,yet will Lnot departfrom thee, or deal falfly in thy Cove,tant.I know thou art frill thefame Jeho- vah,true,holy,gratious,faithful,All-f uficiene ; and therefore behold meprofirate before thee, andrefolving full to love thee, Jiill tofear thee,. Jill to trufi thee ; than art myGodfiill,and myportion for ever. Though 1had nothing left in the world that Icouldcall mine,yet thou Lord alone art enough,yet thou alone art all. Such doubtlefs was the language of jobs heart, and thefe were mighty ao`tings of inward worfhip. Then likewife there: is external worfhip , which is the fum of the. fecond Commandement, and it is nothing elfe but the ferving ofthe Lord according to his own ordinances and inftitution, in thofe