Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. I. Expofition upon the BookofJ ÒB. turf. ïó:. thole fcveral wayes wherein God will be honoured and ferved, this isoutward worfhip; and as we apply our (elves unto them, fo we are reckon'd to worthip God. jobworfhipped God outwardly byfalling to thegronnd,by powrìngoat fupplications, and by fpeaking good words of-God (àswe read afterward ) words tending to Ls own abafement, and the honour ofGod, clearly and fully acquit- ting and juftifying'the Lord in all thofe works of his providence and difpenfation towards him. This is worthip both internal and external. Internall ' wor- thip is the chief, butGodrequirethboth : and there is a neceffìt.y; of juyning both together that God may have honour in the world. Internal worfhip is compleat in it Elf, and pleating unto God, without the'externai : The external may be compleat in it felt, but is never pleating to God without the internal. Inter- nal worthip pleafes God molt, but external honoursGod moil e for by this God is known, and his glory held forth in the world. External worfhip is Gods name. Hence the Temple was called theplace where Godpat his Name , fc his wor(hip, by which God isknown , as a mar-by his name : They that worjhip God muff wor- .Jhip him in Spirit andin truth : In Spirit, that is, with inward' love and fear, reverence and fincerity. In'Truth; that is accord- ing to the true rule prefcribed in his word. Spirit refpefs the in- ward power, Truth the outward forme. The former ftrikes at hypocrifie, the latter ftrikes at Idolatry. Theone oppofeth the in- ventions of our heads, the other the loofnefs of our hearts in worfhi p. . Obferve further, that it is only faid,jobfell down' andn orJhipped nothing is faid of the object to whom he did direct his worthip,or whom he did worfhip.The object is not expreft but underftood, or prefuppofcd : And indeed worfhip is-a thing fo proper and peculi- ar to God, that whenwe name worfhip, we mutt needs underltand God.For nothing but God,or that which we make a god, is or can be worfhipped.Either he is God whom we worfhip,(or as much as inus lies) we make him one. What creature foeveríhares in this honour,this hononr (ipfofaelo) fits itupabove, and makes it more then a creature. The very Heathens thought 'every thing below a God, below worfhip : therefore there needed not an exprefíion ofthe object; when the Text faith, job''wor(hipped, that implies his' worfhip was directed unto God.Yet there is a hind ofworthip which is due to creatures. There 19 r: