Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. I. An Expofítion.upon the Bookof J O'ú. Vcrf2t. 191 art, though an Apoftle give me fuch refpe6t a§ beco eth a Mini - fter of Chrift, take heed that you give me no more than belongeth to a man. So the Angel, Revel. 2a. 8. When John ,fal<eth clown at hisfeet andworfhipeth , he takes him up, See thou do it not,t.it11 he, fGr 1 am thyfellow fervant : This is too mite'.) for man, nor- fhip God, as it is in the end of theverfe; filch worfi ;p bcinngetlr properly and peculiarly unto God. Somuch for the opening of there two latter acrions ofjob in referenceunto God. We fhall now .give you:forne Oaurcotions. InperJ s libe- l-leftll down upon the ground and worth-ped. Y i toe +.' "Job .ter divides himfelfand his afflictions in this time Of his llicÊ on, la`", a part he beftowed upon his Children and Cervatats,and Mires, t yM thall have his forrow and tears, He rent his mangle andfloxaez head, but they (hall not haveall : God (hall have the better pa: t, loc. his love, his fear, his truth, his body to bow to him, and hisfoul to worfhip him. Learn fromhence,That aGodly manwill not let naturewarkealone, he mixes and tempers aefs ofgrace with aeis ofnature. We mutt not forrow as thofe that are without hope ( faith the A- .poftle) qualifie forrowwith hope4 thefe mixt do well. Aman muft not forrow for outward things, as though we had nothing elfe todo, but to forrow, he mutt remember he hatha God to worship and honour. job beftowes:fornewhat upon his children, but more upon his God ; while his body fell to the earth, his heart was railed up to heaven. He fell down and worfhiped ; Secondly obferve, That aflilllions fend the people ofGod home unto God, alflifliooes draw agodly man nearer unto God;then jobfell down and worfbiped. Afilidions are a great advantage to the fervantsof God ; for when the world frownes moft, then they beg molt for the frniles ofGod, when the world is ftrange to them,and will not lock on thern,then they get more familiarity and clofer communion with God, they leek his face. Wicked men in their atflióions, in their Corn) ws, are either quite drowned in and overwhelmed with them, fo that there is nothing but forrow; as we fay,all amort or elfe they go out to help and relieve themfelves with worldly refrc(hments trouble drives them to fin, it may be as low as hell, tot ck The more poor they are, the more wicked they arc; fsec 5 a not poor a:r Job, hough they arraspoor as Job. jobs poverty Cent him to God,rich in mercy : Hefell down and .worfhiped. C c Thirdly