194 Chap. r. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. 20. Thirdly learn, That the people ofGod turn all their afi tlions into Prayers or into praifes. When God is ftrikiug, then foil is praying;whcn God is aifh Ling, then job falls to worshipping. Grace makes every condi- tion workglory toGod,asGad males everycondition worke good to them who have grace. Fourthly Jobfalleth down andrvorJhipeth : Obferve here , That it becometh us to worJhip God inan humble manner. Though .God ( as we (heed before ) may be wotthiped in another pofture, yet we should rather choofe that potture which is moil humble, and may lay our bodies as low as our fouls, ifit may be. There were Tome lately amongtt us, who cryed aloud, as great Patrons, for humble poftures iu worship : and all were ce ùred for a fliffe neck,and an Elephants knee, who refuted to bowwith them,or to . bow their way : I may well add their way, for Gods way of bowing was neither queftioned nor refufd, all their humility in bowing. went but one way, they mutt bow towards the Eafi, and towards the Altar at lea$, if not to it. Some oftheir fto- macks I believe would have digefted that before this time, efpeci- ally being a little help'd with a dittinCtion. Latlly, We may here obferve, That divine svorfbip it is Gods peculiar. Papitis haves worfhip for creatures, and they have ditlinctiou for it, but no Scripture 'fòrit. They tell usofLuria, which is they fay worthip proper only to God; and their Dutia, which is for Saintsiand then their Huperdulia, which '.is for the Virgin Mary, and for the fign of theCroffe. Thus they 'make vain dittinCtions which God and the Scripture make not. Vain diftindions aregood enough to main- tain vain fuperftitions. They that invent a worthip, -mutt in- vent a doarine to maintain it by/ Some perhaps may Rumble at that Text, Rev. 3. 9. Where this promife is made to the Church' of Philadelphia, Behold I will make them ofthe Synagogue ofSatan, whichfzy they are Jews andare not, but do lie; behold I will make them to come andworfhip before thyfeet, and to know that I have loved thee. Ma, not worthip then be given to al creature > Anfm. This worthip may be taken for civil worfhip, namely for that fubmifli :n which the Enemies of the Church,. (hall be forced by the power ofChr:ft tomake untoher, as was promifed by the Prophet, 4.1.60. ¡.. The Sons alfo of them that aßîí`edthe , frail come bendingunto t .ce., and all they that defpifed theefhall'low themfelves downat the ¡Ole" ofthyfeet, s4nf 2f