Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

1,96 Verf` 21 .- A# Expoc,táonupon,the.Bookof j OB. Chàp.1. del crate or impatient, at the report, of thole p , hlíïes. Therefore now to confute all fuch furmifes, he Cpeakes forth the words of truth and foberneft that which he faith, Pets fo faireand true a gloffè upon his aEtions, as might thenrender them, not on- ly rationall and ingenious, but holy and gratious in the. eyes of all men, as they were before in the eyes of God, who knew his Kyn, a heart. Satan was now, like the fèrvant ofBenhadadbefore Ahab,. ° 3 watching for words, he had done his butinefs and now he was trying how it would work, what, the event and iffue would be P. he hearkrid when tome irreverent fpeech Ihould come' from the mouth offob, he looked prcfently that he Ihould blafpheme God: he could not but (mile finely , when he law him renting his gar ments, and (having his head,- and falling down to the ground, O now it works, I [hall hear him blafpheme and curie God pre-. fe4atly. He that is thus difiempered in the carriage of the other members ofhis body,will not turely be able long to rule(that un- ruly peece ) his tongue. One undutifull or dithonourable word call upon God, would have been Mulick to Satans ear and joy to his heart; he wouldhaie catch'd it up as nimbly as themen be-' fore fpoken of, did; brother Benhadad from the mouth of Ahab.But how blank look'd Satan, how was he clothed with flame at the fall of thòfe words from job, Naked came I out of &c. When David fpake concerning the words ofhis Enemies (Pfal. .21. Their words weref mootrer then butter,but- ivarre was in their= heart, they werefaceter then homy,, andHier then Oyle,?yet were they draeea jfWords) we may fpeak. ofthcfe, words of job conlìdcred in reference to Satan, and in reference unto God : Thcfe words of o' in reference unto God were as.fweetas honey, as finooth as butter : For this breath had nothing in it, but mecknefs and pa- tience, humility and holinefs, in all which God delights: but in reference untoSatan they were as drawn Swords, as,poyfon'd;ar- rowcs, Satan was hardly ever fa finittcn be ore,as he was, by thcfe words of job.Thcte. is no ';Yord ili this fentcnee,but gave S ,t n the lye, and refuted all his llaitder. Andin the clofe y hp gives ,.m the ccepefl flab of all : It was a daggir at the very tue.,r, ut rile .:ic vill, When he heard him fay, area be the name:f the L>r4. Na NO ,.ís could be utter'd uphn. the loi,; -11 Cady, enure. ero to SSan, peet ion or mot anfwelab1.,, eg for u. 1 L11 ;noaj tf eeetoc r'i ° Lord ero'.Ynes all, a `ill iii $:o _s ettcl with a n w cezlit:r,oiq , La all thin Jobfinnednot, nor charge (Jul foolifhly, Sc