Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. 1. 2e Éxpofition upontheBookofJ O$ Verf: 25. 197 So much ofjobs words in Generall : I Ihail now examine them difiincly in the pkrts. Some conceive that job at that time Cpake out his minde more largely, but that the Holy Gholi in the penning of this Rory did 6ezai n loc. gather and fum up the ftrength of all his fpeech into theft two conclufions. Nakedcame Iout of my Mothers wombe ; and nakedfh.ill I returne thither. The Lord givetb,and theLord taketh.away, blef ed be the name ofthe Lord. We will confider the words a little firfi in the Grammatícall, fenfe of them, and then we will confider the reafon of them: For here they are ufed logically as a thong and mighty argument,both for the fupporting of his-own fpirit under thofè af}licions, and for the juftifying and acquitting God in fo affliCting him. Nakedcame I out of my Mothers womb, &c. Naked.] There is a two-fold nakednefs. There is an internals nakednefs, and there is an external] nakednefs,Thereis a naked- neffe of the foul as well as oft he body. The nakednefs of the föule is, when it is deveftedofall it's gracious ornamentsand en-. dowments. When job faith, Naked came I out of my Mothers womb, and naked fhall I return thither, it referreth efpecially to the nakednefs of the body ; for though it be truth that jab came. naked into the world in regard of his foul, yet he knew he thould not goe naked out of the world in regard of his foul. Se- ing then he referreth nakednef; to his going out of the world as well as to his coming in, therefore it cannot be here meant ofan. inward nakednefs : His foul came naked in, but he knew his foul fhould go out cloathed. Neither can it be meant of-a then prefènt fpirituall nakednefs for job was never fo richly and gorgeoufly attired in his foul never appeared in filch glorious ornaments of grace, as when he Was ftt-nr ofall worldly comfort. Therefore the nakednefs here is bodny nakednefs, that which Mofes ffcakeS. of Gen. 2. 25 a defc.tibing on firft Parents, They were both raked, faith he, the man and his wife, and they were not ofhamed. Yet that nakednefs, and this which job (peaks of( though they were