Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

98 Chap. i. An Expofttion upon the Bookof ) OB. Verf. ai' both bodilyand--external) were very different and unlike: for that nakednefs of creation needed no covering, nakednefs was then an ornament. Man was richly attired when he had no garments. The nakednefs of Creationwas the abfence ofcloathing, or a not ufingof cloaths, it was not the want of cloathing. But the na- kednefs Job fpeakes of, is the nakednefs after the fall properly, where nakednefs importeth not Only a not having of cloaths, but want ofcloathing ; and fo nakednefs is a part of,that curfeand punifhment which followedfin. Naked came I out ofmyMothers womb, that is, I came into the world in afad andmifirable conditi- on, weak andpoor : And fo nakednefs is put not firifly as op- pored only to cloathing, but we may take itmore largely for the want ofall outward comforts whatfoever, Icame apoor deftitute creature into the world,Ibadnot only nocloathing upon my back, but Iliadno comfortfor my body,I brought neitherSheep norOxen,norChil dren,nor Servants into the worldwith m41 hadnone ofthefe things, nothing to help me of my own,when1frrfffetfooting into the world. Finura nover- Some Naturalifis confidering this kind ofnakednefs, have fai- taunumhomi- len out into great complaints a ainft nature, or indeed rather " °n`mant`" a ainft the God of nature, as Pliny um ttmf7orum, g in the Preface to his feventh alieni ze1at o. Book ofhis naturali Hiflory, cloth as it were chide with Nature pibur.e.crers for turning man into the world in fuch a helplefs forlorne con varieregumen- dition; as if a man were dealt with more hardly then any other teßt° nibtñr/ creature , then any beafis of the held, or fowls ofthe air. Other ar, cortices, toriafpinat, creatures, faith he,come into the world with liaise, or fleeces, or viIIos,feta,pi. brifiles, or fcales, or feathers, or wings, or fhels, &c. todefend los, plumy*, and cover them ; but Nature calls man naked upon the -naked mas,veffçerat ground. This he fpake, not confidering that nakednefs was turtcor edam once no trouble, but rather an honour and an ornament; and arbors tonic this he fpakenot knowing whence or how that kinde of trouble- interdumgemi. forne nakednefs came into the world : And this he fpake, not t cá rums. obferving as he might, how many wayes God hath provided for Ito eß: oreturm the help and fupply of that nakednefs; giving man Underftand- rantum nudum ing and Reafon inftcad ofweapons and cloathes, which alfo are a in undo hu. means for the procuring of all things neceffary for the fupport- ow natali die ing of that naked and weak perishing condition. abjecit. the Preface. Naked(hall Ireiurn thither. :mow The difficulty that is in this lyeth only in that word Thither; the