Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap.z. An Expoftion upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. 2x. rg the doubt is, what place he meases, or whither ? What, intomy Mothers womb ? There is no filch returne, as Nicodemtss laid, Shall a man that is oldgoe into h e Mothers rvomb,and be born again? 1 °h 3. Some anfwer it thus, The Adverb L thither ] doth not neceffari- lv refer to the literal antecedent : but in Scripture fometimes Relatives refer to fomewhat in the mind or in the thought of the fpeaker, andnot to that -which was before (pokes by him ; as that ofMary theweth, job. 20. 15. when fhe cometh into the Garden,and findes that Chrifi was rifen,Jhe meeteth Chrifl,anditrp- pofng him to be the Gardiner , 'faith unto him ,. Sir, ifyou have borne bim hence ;Him, what him'? There was no antecedent men- tioned to which Himfhould relate, only Merits minde was fo fall ofChriff, that the thought every one would underfland, what bim, or whom fhe- fpake of: as ifnone could (peak of or think any thing but ofChrift only : Therefore the made the relation to tharw\hich was in her fpirit, and not to what was formerly ex- preft. So Come interpreters make the [ thither I to be God, or the grave, I al return unto God, or I all return to the grave; to the houle ofthe g ve, a the Cha dee paaphrafe bath it. For they fitppofe Job hNd his mindefull ofChafe thoughts, therefore he may make a relation tö-tüät. Another confideration for the clearingof it is this, that filch uod diCirur Adverbs of place as this is, do not only Lignifie place, but a fiate nueu r , ertar or a condition,wherein any one is,or to whichany thing or perfon iUuc,iureUigé- is brought ; as it is ordinary in our fp ech to fay, Hither Ihave tur in iliumfls_ brought the matter, that is,to thir fLete or to this condition ; So when tumquemhobu Job faith, Nakedfhall Ireturn thither, that is, I'hall return tofuck it inurero ma- condition or tofsch an effete; as I was naked before, fo IAA return oe.Aquin.iu to[itch afáteofnakedneJs again. BLit thirdly, that which will more clearly carry it, the thither which Job here fpeakes ofmay be- underltood of the earth or the ut nomen :' menunrroeß - grave, Naked came I out of my Mothers womb,and nakedJhall Ire- prium cum p turn thither, to the womb of the earth, which is thegrave : and.fguratio co- fo there may be in the latter a reference unto the former, taking e d filo mg; one properly, and theother improperly; taking th.: earth for conjongtrur. his mothers womb inan improper fenfe,fc.the earth which is the sanft magna common parent from whence wealrcame, and to which we all re- parent terrasq. turn ; theearth thall receive and take in all mankind again ; when Ovid. man dyes, the earth openeth her bowels and receiveth him in: and which stakes her once more amothea, the earth at laft being, as it were,