thap. i. sQn Expof:tion uponthe Bookof J O B. Ver(: 21. 201 rnong us, and it is a very proper one: when a rich man dies(we fay) he left agreat eftate, he leaves it indeed for he cannot carry it with him,he mutt goout naked, how well `loathed foever he was while he was here. The Apostle doth more then intimate, that tome rich men do fcarce heleive this for found doctrine : He (peaks as it he would beat them off from Come thought of parrying the World with themout of the World ; while they livé they are bury:°d their riches, and when theydye they hope their riches will be bu- ried with them, yea,and rife with them again. Such a conceit (I fay) the Apoftle feemes to meet with, for in the 1 2irn.6.7.having laid, We brought nothing with us into this ,World, he adderh in the next words, and it is certain we can cary nothing out , he doth not fay, Webrought nothing into the World, and wecan carry nothing out, as Job here fpeaks, but asifjob'r at%rtion had corne into que... (lion in Paul's time, he faith, we brought nothing into this World, and it is certain, never doubt of the truth ofit , we can carry no- thing out, we 1há11 go out as we came in. Many, as the Pro- phet Habakkuk fpeaks, Chap. 2. 6. lade themfelver with thick clay. But as the quettion there followes. How long? This lading mutt be laiddown again. Ifriches end not before thee as thine, theymutt end with thee. Yet ifany would carry riches and cloath- ing out ofthe world,it will be their wifdome '. to labour for fpi- ritual riches, for fpiritual `loathing ; when Inch dye, as ,they thall not bè foundnaked, fo they (hall not go out naked : all your o- ther cloathing and riches, mutt be left on this fide the grave, bilt get fpiritual cloathing and riches,and you thall go out of the world adorn'd and enrich'd forever, the cloathing of grace, the robe of righteoufnefs, a vetture of fpiritual ornament`, will endure to all eternity. Thirdly, note here further, how the Holy GboJt defcribes the life of man , Naked came I into the World , and naked (hall I return. The life ofman is nothing elfe but a coming, and a returning; Here is nothing Paid offlaying or abiding ; We have here no continuing; City,while we are here,we canhardly be (aid to continue here, and after afew dayes we thall not behere at all. It is but a coming%nd a going, it is but a floodand an ebb, and then we are carried into the Ocean ofeternity. Wemay yet confider the words as they are an argument (and fo I íhall note two thing from them) fo job ufcs them as an D d argu-