Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

2o2. Chap. i. An Expofition upon the Book,of J O B. Verf. 2I. argument both to fupport hiinfelf, and to acquit God. Then ob` tèrve, firf, That dgodly man i/;¢ his ffraits fludieth arguments to ac- rJaaitandjulü,.tie God inall hies dealings with him. ,job could not ' have found our tupon longed fiudy a better or a fironger ar- gument for the acquittingof God, then this is, I have as much as I brought,then what wrong is doneme in all this ?As wicked men when they fall into (traitsor trouble-s,- efpecially when they fall into fin, fludy arguments, how to lift themfelvesout, and lay all the blame upon God ; as Adana and E_ve:our firft Parents in Para- diCe (therein began) when they had finned and were naked , they began to devife lifts how to put it from themfelves, and to faden thë tault upon God. Davidon theother fide labours as myth to clear God, ifever he thould be fiript naked, Pfal. '5 i. 4. Twill con - fzfr my (in, that thou may)} be ju(fified when thou' f peakeff , and clear when thou ju.dgeff. Weigh the reafon why David con- feffeth his fin in that Pfalme, I do it, faith he, that I may by this means acquit God, whatfoever God (hall do with me hereafter. whatfoever alñiCtion God (hall bring upon me ; men it may be will begin to judge God for it, and to fay that he dealt hardly withme, notice having been taken, what an eminent fervant of God I have been. Behold, faith he, I confefs my fin before thee, that thou mayfl be clear when thou judge t , or as the'Apoftle Paul quotes the place, according to the Septuagint ; Rom. 3. 4. That thou mightefl overcome when thou art judged.David knew men would be apt to judge God , if they law him affíiCted , and therefore to flop theirmouthes , or to give God the day againft them, he confeltes his fin, thereby {hewing caufe why God might chadi{e him, either for correction of tin pafi,or prevention of fin to ccur. S. condly,as the argmxnent referreth unto job himfelf, we may obferve this, That tfie confideration of what we once were , and of what at laft wemail be , may relieve our fpiritr in the greateff outward efflic1ions of this life. Art thou.fof the prefent in a naked condi- tion ? Confider thou waft nakedonce; and' ere long (halt be na- ked again : Confider the two extreams, the beginning and the ending, and that will bear thee up in the middle condition. There is many a rn.>n that complains, and faith, I have nothing but the cloathes upon my back left me, and they are but rags, but mean enes