Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

204 VerC 21. An Expofition upon the Bookof J Q B. Chap.}. faith inChríft here, and fruition of Chrift hereafter : not only are thefe gifts, I fay; from God and undeferved by us ; but outward things, riches andhonour, children and fervants,honks and lands, tl'cfe are thegifts of God likewife ; we have not the leafl creature comfort of our own, we have nothing of our own, but fin. What haft thou , that thou hag not received? isa truth concerning every thing we have,even toa hoof; or a fhoe -latches. We are indcbted unto God for our fpirituals, for our temporals, for all. We muli fay of all, little or much, greator (Mall, TheLord bathgiven. How did the Lord give lob all his riches and efiate? The Lord doth give either immediately or tnediately.Whcn job faith, the Lordbath given,we are not to underhand it, as if the Lord had brought fuch a prefent to him, and Paid, here take this eftate, take theft cattel,thefè fervants ; but God gave them mediately by blefling the Labours ofjob. So, when the Lord profpereth us in our hones} endeavours,and labours,and callings, then the Lord giveth us outward things. The Lord bathgiven. yob doth not fay, by my ftreugth and di- ligence, my policy and prudence , I have got this eflate ; as the 4Lrianfaîd, Ifa. 10.13 . by theftrength ofmy band have I done this, andby my wifdom ,for Iamprudent. Job takes notice of himfelf; be was. not idle, yet he (peaks as if he had done nothing, the Lord bathgiven. This fliothld teach us in the firfi place-to acknowledge the Lord as the fountain and donor of all oar outward comforts. When you get wealth, doe not fay, this I have gotten (fuch language is barbarous in divinity) but fay , this the Lord bath given. We find an exprefs caution. to this purpofe , given by Moles from God, not only againft the former language of the tongue, but of the heart. When the Jews fhould come to Canaan and fhould grow rich and great there , When thou haft eaten and art full, Peut.8: 10,11. then (halt thou bleffe the Lord. Beware thou forget not the Lord °7.g 18 thy God for thegood landwhich be bath given thee, and fay in thy heart, My power and the might of my band bath gotten} me this wealth ; But thou fhalt remember the Lord thy aid , for it is he that givetb thee power toget wealth it is he that giveth theepow- er: Many who are perfwaded that God gives them grace, that God gives Heaven and Salvation, are hardly perfwaded, or At leaf} donot fo. well confider it, that God gives riches, &c. their hearts