Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

206 Chap. r. A Expofttiott upon theBookof a OB. Verf 21. thers have fo much.The rich fwell with pride, becaufe they have abundance, or theyare filled with contempt of thole that are in Want. Let the rich ferioufly weigh this fpeech, it will cure them of pride. Charge them that are rich (faith theApoftle, i Tim. 6. 17.) that they be not high minded. You fee how fubjeo} rich men are to this inflammation ofpride. But with 'what doth he prick this bladder ? It is with this thought,that God gives all riches,Let them truft in the livingGod,zrhogiveth us all things richly to enjoy. That argument ofthe Apoffle, i Cor. 4. 7, If thou haft receivedit, srhf doff thou boat& is as ftrong and as true in regard oftemporals, as of 1pirituals. Confider ferioufly that your eltates are the gift of God, and down falls pride. Ifyou come honeflly by them, they are the gift ofGod : ifyou corne difhonefily by them, they are the gift ofSatan,and you ought to be afhatned ofthem,and reftore thern,not toboaft or be proud ofthem. Then fecondly, it will cure the rich ofall contempt of others; what the Apoffle James obferved and cenfured in the rich of thole times, is found by too much experience among the richat this day, Tv have de/Piled the poor, Chap. 2. 6. Confider, it is the Lord who gave, and he gave as a Lord,freely; he might have given thine eftate to that poor man, and have left thee in that condition thou fo much defpifeft in thy Brother.God gave him as much as his wif- dome'though fit ; and it fear'she bath given thee more then thou art fit for. In defpifing him thou dolt afperfe the difpenfation of God, and whilst thou woundeft him in his poverty, thou wound- eft God in his providence. Confider, it is the Lord that gives, and then be unconvinc'd,if you can, that while you contemn man in his wants,yoü queltion God in his wifdorne ; bufie thy fèlf hereaf- ter in praifing him who gives all, and leave defpifing him who lath receivFed :lets. Then likewife let the poor look upon this Text , and it will cure themof two d,fafès,into which they often fall,and by which they are much endangered, even in the vitals ofgrace, difcontent, and envie. it is the Lord that giveth, that fhapes'and cuts oút your condition; why then fhould you not be contented 'with his allow- ante; and be thankful in your lot ? If your efiates be proportioned from above, you ought to be content with your portion; Igno- ránce or in advertency from Whom we receive, caufeth 'murmi - ring-,at what we:hare, Donot think thou'haft lets love frontGod; becaufe thou 'haft lefs alló wahce from God, The 'power of God