Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap.'. An Expof"ntion upon the Boo ,of J O B. Vert:.' 2F, 2.0 God isas much ailed in making a Ely, as in making an Elephant ; àrrd his love may be as much, and is often more acted giving°a, penny, then in giving a talent.Know- tins; thou who 'art a Child of God, ifthy portion be but a penny,, it . a th upon i t the linage 'and-Superscription, a Fathers love, which is better then lifè. This an will cure the poor ofenvie ; many times the poor hive an evil eve ofenvie at the rich ; they cannot bear it, that others have fo m%tch,and they fo little : Ccfllider it' is the Lord that giv- -etb. Thisargument Chrili uleth, "I11ath. t 5. 20. to him that was angry that they who came at the latter end of the day hadas much as he, hlay not I doe with mine -own what I will I Is thine eye e- vil becaufe mine is good ? The envious eye is an evil eye ; envie is the dilcafe of the eyes. This Text is one of the bed- medicines that ever was prefcribed : Wilt thou be .tick, becaufe another i= in health, and make thy brothers happinefs the ground of thy mi- fc-ry ? Do not think that all is loft, which is not cart into thy lapp ; or that thy eftate is lefs or worfe, bècatife thou fcefi one ha- ving a greater, or a better. Muff God ask thee leave, or ask thy counfel, how and in what meafure to diftribute his favours ? Were all but well catechifed in this one principle, that God gives all, it would loon difpell this malignant vapour, and all would reh fa- tisfied, not becaufe they or others have received thus or thus, but becaufe God hath thus difpofedto all. Obferve one thingmore, If the Lordgives usall,then n .,efhonld be willing to¡çivé backfme- what unto the Lord again. And this consideration, that God gives us, will make us willing to give unto God. What is the reafon that many are fo unwilling to give fömewhat unto God '? It is becaufe they will not underhand that they are beholden to God for all. Ifthey were perfwaded oftheir receipts from him, a little oratorymight perfwade a gift from them, in the caufe of God ; efpecially when God intreates them, who may of right com mand them: when he is content to take it as a courtetie , who may fend forit by authority, and expel it as a duty. God himfclf who fill and enjoyes allthings, hath fometimes (in a fenfe) need ofyour eftates, Chrift who is Lord of Heaven and Earth, is fome- times in want ofa penny. Chrift f tells you of his wants and pover- ty, Math. 25. and thews how and when he is relieved. And as Chrift wants in amember, force particular believer ; fo he often wants in his whole body, which is the Church, or wholecompany. of