Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

ó8 Verf. 2i An ExpofitOn upon the Bookof J OB. Chap.'. of beleivers. Ifyo e aatta-1 iritual wifdotne to difcern times, and feafons,you-maayknow,that w Chrift wants money (as I have explain:4 riow God (in his caufe)) ath need. He goes about (in thofe whofolicit his caufe) and asks a releifat every one of your dooms. Now then, do but confider, when any thing is asked for the Lords fake, that the Lordgave all, this will be a key to unlock your chefis ; this will at once untie your hearts and your purfes. Will you let Chrift want, 'fhall the caufe ofGod want, while you have it,whereas what you have, Godgave ? It is expre(fed concern- ing Nabal, that this was the reafon why he would not part with a loafofbread to releive David and his Army, i Sam. 25.1z. Shall I take my breadand my water, andmyfleJh that Ihave killedfor my ¡hearers, andfendthem to afellow,Iknownot who I You fee theman wasinall his poffeflïves,mybr&od,and my water,andmyflefh, he ne- ver thought that God had any (hare or inter& in his eflate, that God gave it,therefore he would not give to a fervant of God. You (hall fee on the other hand,howDavids munitìcence,andthat ofthe. nobles wich him,2 Chr. z9.fprung from thisroot,theacknowledge- ment that nothing was their own, it came inall from God ; when they had offered lb willingly and bountifully towards the building of the Temple»avid (hews the rnyne which yielded fo much trea- lure, even this we have digged in all this while, All things come of thee,and of thine own we havegiven thee,verf.r5.They confèffed that all came of Uod,they were but Stewards, he was the Owner, and his own they could not with-hold from him. God giveth us the life ofthe creature, but he keepeth the right to them in his own hand ; when we have thepoffefíìon of them, he bath the property. Wherefore let the conlìderation that God giveth all,n-fake us ready and openhanded to give unto God, when he.calleth and requireth it at our hands. And the Lord bath taken away. When God gives, it is an ad ofbounty ; andwhen he takes, it is an ad ofjuilice,for he is Lord, foveraign Lord in both. But why doth Job here charge this upon God , The Lord bath taken ? Was in not told him by the nceffengers, that the Chaldean: and Sabeans cameand took away. his cattel, plundered and pillaged his eflate ? They told him that the fire conjúmedbisfheep, and the wind blew down the houfe upon his children ; Why doth Job fay, TheLord bath