210 Verf. 21. ; . An Expo/him upon the Book,of J QB. Chap.', Therefore they found out two beginnings, that is two Gods,rather then they would make the farne God the author of fuch extreams (as they taught ) of good and evil : They fàid, there was one God that was a good God , and another an evil God ; the one a giv.. ing God the other a taking God ; t 7e one a loving God,'a` merci- ful God ; the other an angryGod,. afevere God. Many Of th' Flea- then taught better divinity then thofe Hereticks : For they feign - ed that their Jupiter had two great vetfels placed at the entrance ofhis Pallace, whereof theone was filled with Good, and the o-, they with Evil :. Thefe he difpenfed according to. the dictate of his own,will among the foils of men. And they. painted Fortune in two formes, with two faces of contrary colours, the format white , the hindermoff black, to lignifie, that good and evil , which they thadow'd under w.oite and black, come both from Goddefs Fortune : Which comes near that language in the Prophet Ira. 95. 7. I form the light and create darknefs, I make peace andcreate evil. And we are taught to look upon the fame God, as the ípring and fountain ofall good, and of all this fort of evil. Though it be a truth (as the Apostle fpeaks) that the fame foun- tain, cannot fendforth bitterwater andTweet ; take it in a natu- ral or moral fenfe: yet the fame Fountain may fend forth bitter andTweet; take it in a civil fenfe ; that is, the fame may be* the author of outward corrections, and of outward favours. God is not the fountain ofgoodand ofevil in a moral fenfe, fo nothing bat good floweth from him: But take it in a civil fenfe , and fo both good and evil, bitter and fweet come from the fame foun- tain. Confider the words'as they are an argument, and then fee their ftrength to the purpofes, for which jobdoth efpecially here apply them ; Firft, the acquitting or juilifying of God. Secondly, The fùpporting and comforting ofhimíclf: And fo we may note from t here , Firs} , That the abfolute roveraignty of the .Lord over us is e- nough to acquit him from doing us any wrong, whatfoever be doth with us,. Job faith onely this , The Lord hathgiven, and the Lord bath taken ; He is the foveraign Lord, therefore I have nti reafon to complain; he doth it, upon whom I have laid no engagement, upon whom i have no tie at all, to do thisor that for me ; he doth it,who may refolve the reafon ofail his aCfions into his own will, be is the Lòrd. God cannot injure his creatures ; and therefore the A- potfle