hapó rt hxppftio t Itpp't the lio91 a Ï Q_ ., poille bath recourfe to that only in the 9th of Rom, for the anfwer of all cavils and objeLfions againfi Gods dealing with man, the not thepotter power over the clay ? The foveraignty and ,pre_ tnacy ofthe Lord is enough to bear him out whatfoever he doth with , or to his creatures. 0man, who art thou that replicji againit God? Then again, it is as prong for the fecond end for the fupport of the foul in bearing evil, confider, that it is the Lord that giveth, andthe Lord that takes. The thought of Gods foveraiguty over us, and over ours, may quiet our fpisits in all that he doth ueito us or ours. As it doth julliane God, fo itfhould quiet us ; here David FfaL 39.9. 1 was dumb, faith he, and opened not my mouth, be- caufe thou dìdjt it ; he doth not fay, I was contented becaufe thou dealeft thus and thus with me, but I was dumb, I opened not my mouth, becaufe thou didjt it that it wasthe adI ofGod the foveraign Lord fatisfied him ; he had not a word to +fay, becaufe God did it, So Job here, The Lord bath taken array, is as if ;lie had Paid, I could not have born this at the hand of any creature; but at the hands ofmy foveraign Lord,t hat may difpofe ofme and mine, and do what he pleafeth ; at his baKcis ! not only bear it, but take it wLIL f ofeph had not awordofdifcontent to vent againfl his brethren, bung thus refolved, it wax not you thatfeat me hither, but God, Gen. 45.. AndDavid layes aide all revenge a. ainft.rayling Shimei on this ground, So let him cote, becaufe the Lord bath fiid unto hint, cuffè' David, 'z Sacs 1o. A godly man cannot be angry at the doing or fpeahingof that, which pleafeth God,that it thould be done oripoken ; And it takes away all complaining, That the Lord bath taken away. JleJfed be the name ofthe Lord, The Septuagint, and fo the Vulgar from them, inf°rt here ano- ther fentence between thefe two: The Lord loath taken away, blef fed be the name ofthe L o â;ifaditsg it thus,V -e Lord hooch given and she Lard hathtaken away *`asie pleafeth s Io-ui,j'o co,ntth things *ws to pafs,blèf fd be-the nameofthe Lord e büt we have no more in the ¡A it, gums HObrew,''theii &it own tianflation gives us, Sept. .__---- étfi_z-at -----z ,se a L le'ed