2I2 Chap. t. AnExpofitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf, 21. ^-----.-... Bic(fedbe the name ofthe Lord. This is the tryumphant conclufion which floweth from the for- mer Propotitions, this is the iliue and refiilt ofthem both. A con- elution as oppofite toSatans defign, as the two Poles of the He- vans are one againfl the other. Satan waited to hear Job conclude with blafpbeming thename ofthe Lord,and now he heareth Job con- clude with biding the name ofthe Lord. How did this vex and fling Satan? This one word of Job did woundSatan more then all the aiïlidions which Satan procured, wounded lob. Though I return naked, thoughall be takenfrom me,yet bleffed be the nameofthe Lord, Blefedbe the nameof the Lord.] The name ofGod inScrip- ture is taken, firfi for God himfelf. The name of a thing it is put for the thing named, Ffa1.44. 5.Through thee we millpuJh down our enemies, through thy Name we will tread them down that rife up aagainft us. Through thy Name, that is, through thee : through ikee,and through thy name, are the fame. So Pfal. 48. I*. According to thy name, fi is thy praife, that is, thou artpraifed like thyfelf ; as thou art in tbyfelf, fo thouart or oughtejt to be praifed by thy people; thename is put for the perfon. You have it clearly, Ails r. 15, 7-be number ofnamestogetker were about anhundredandtwenty,that iy,the number of perlons, fo many perlons, becaufe numbred by their names. Secondly,the Name of God is often inScripture put fortheattri. butes ofGod. Thirdly, the Name ofGod is put for his Ordinances orwor. 'hip Goyenow to my plaee which was in Shiloh, where Ifet my nameat thefirJt,Jerem.7. 2.that is,where I firfi letup my publick worlhip ; becaule as a man is known by his proper Name, fo is God by his proper worfhip. And therefore falfe worship is the fitting up ofaftrangegod. When we miflake the name, we mi'take the perfon. Fourthly, the Name ofGod is that reverence, e'ieem and ho- nour, which Angels and men give unto God. As we know a- mongit us, the report and reputation that a man hath amongmen, itsa mans name ; what men fpeakofhim,that is his name ; fuch an one hath a good name, we fay; fuch an one hath an ill name, that Is, men fpeak or think well or ill of fuch perlons a SoGen. 6, 4., When Wesdcfcribes the Gyants,he faith ih4y were men a f renown, the