Chap.s. /in Expofttion upon the BookofJ O B. Verf. 2I. 213 the Hebrew is,They were men ofname,becaufe tfre name 'ofa man is the opini on he hath amongft men ; as a man is efteemed, fo his Üiliil1WM name is carried,and himfelf is accep ted in the world.So thename of God is that high efteem,'thofe honourable apprehenfions, which Angels and men have of God;fuch as the thoughts and fpeeches of men are for the celebrationof Gods glory and praife, filch is his name in the world: blefjed be the name of the Lord. By bleffing God,we are to underfland, either, firfi, what we ex- prefs in word concerning God. God is blefled by his creatures, when his goodnefs, and greatnefs, and mercy, and !bounty, and faithfulnefs, and juftice, are publithed with thankfgiving, and praife. Or, God is blcffed likewife when we have highand great and glorious thoughts of God : when we inwardly fear and reve- rence, and love, andhonour God, then we blef God. The one is to blots with the tongue ; the other to Weis with the heart. The tongue biding without the-heart is but a tingling Cymbal. The heart blelfing without' the tonguemakes Tweet, but ilill mufcks buth in confort,make that Harmony which fills and delights Hea- ven and Earth. When Job faith here, hleffed be the name ofthe Lord , we . are to underfiand it both wayes, that Job (peaks out the blaiingofGod with his mouth, and likewife he had high and reverent thoughtsofGod. His heart and tongue met at this work and word. Blefredbe the nameof the Lord We may note from hence, That God is worthy of all praife andhonour, not only when be loth enrich and ffrengthen us, when be fills and protells us; but alfo when be dotb impoverifh and weaken us, when be empties and [mites us, when be gives us tip to the will of our enemies , to the will of devil's andwicked men, even then God is so be bleffed.' It is a good thing, and it is our duty to biers God when we are rich and when we are full,as Deut. 8. 1 o. When thon ball eaten,and art full, then (halt thou blefr the Lord : But it is a far better thing (yet but our duty) to blets the Lord, when we are poor and weak ; when we are empty and havenothing to eat, then tobeefs the Lord is the breathing of an excellent fpirit indeed. r Thef; 5.18. In every thing give thanks; let God do what he will with his childrer1/2 they have saute to thank him. 4s he is God.