214 Verf. 22. 44 expofition upon the ¡ookof J OB, God in bimfelf, bleffed for evermore. When God thunders in judgments fo loud, that he breaketh the Cedars , and flukes the Wildernefr ï then to give unto the Zorn the glory due unto bir Name , and in his Temple to fpeak of his glory, argues a fpirit highlyennobled, and glorious in grace, Pfal. 29. 'Therefore his children mould not nil in this, that they bear afliitions, but they thould labour to bring their hearts to blefs and glorifie God in, and for the affliítions that they bear. And a foul that thus,s honoureth God thall atfuredly receive honour from God, T,hát which the bl :Apof1le (peaks of the Saints fufferi;ng perfccutioi , is true ofthem in any kind ofholy fuffering, The Spirit of glory and ofGod doth refl upon them, r Pet. 4. 14, The Spirit of God is fpoken of, as ifit were unfetled or ,yinguiet, and knew not where to fix it felt, till it had found filch a foul a. like Noah's Dove, that went hovering about, and knew not where to relt the foie of her foot, till it came to the Ark., fo that fpirit of God is exprefl, as hovering about from perfonto perfon, from place to place, as 'if it could not ref} any where till it find a foul triumphing and bief- fng God in aßliCtion, at leaf} lying quietly under affliction till God takes it off, and there the fpirit nitsand fettles it fell, Obfervefurther, that Job here bleffed God in his a1liiEtions, and that makes the difference ÿ his affliCfions now are good unto him.. If we blefs God in our affli6liens, thinour afJliaioaos arch/ling: unto us. ' We have fo much blef ing in our. affliCtions,as we canbier's God for our affliction. There isa mighty power frá this fpeechs I chefs God e it changeth evil intogood > here is an heavenly di/chi my (as we may fo fpeak) whatfoever affliaion you touch with biding God, you turn that,affliction to a blrf ing r if you have an Iron yoak of affliction upon ,you, do but touch it with blc ing God; ,it,turneth it into Gold. Wheu you -have a.hcayie crofs upon you,ready-to weigh you down, do but, tnÏitch !the. crofs with. this word,from the heart, and it;rbrakes it as a,crown of glprÿ,uptár your heads. Thus (I fay) you may turn every evil into good, cW very afth ion intoa comfort, and a blelhpg ifyoucan but touch it with, bleng the loam,e ofGod, ,;We wilLcome;to tho- çanclttitoil,. In`all tbm -Job fn ted'not,nor'ebaìgedpod z#Ii"f This Tcl}itnony the Lord giveth concerningjob , both in refe. tcno