Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

2 r 6 Chap. r. .4n Expofitionupon the BookofJ Q B. Verf. 22, the works ofregenerate perlons, to their belt works, forne defile-' ment cleaves ; fo that though the anion be not finful, yet there is Tome fin in the anion. There is a great deal of difference be- tween a finful anion, and fin in an anion : We have that diffe- rence exprefly, Exc.". 28.38. Where the HighPrieft is faid,to bear she iniquityof the holy tbings;holy things, yet iniquity in them;holy things in the matter ofthem, yet iniquity in the manner ofper - forming them. Nowwhen it is Paid here, In all this Job finned net, we are to underfiand it firft thus ; here were no ads finful in the matter of them, fuch as.Satan cid promife unto hinifelf,and did undertake with God, that job would fpeak and break out into: Satan was confident that fobwould blaf"pbeme and surfe God" "to hisface ; this was an ad ofan high nature, finful in thev'ery matter ofit, anan abominable. In all :hi Job finnednot fucha fin he was not tran- (ported by palion or impatiency to reproach and curie the livng God. Secondly, in Scripture language we are laid not to fin, whenwe do not commit fuch and filch fins ; as is clear in that inftance a- bout David, of whom this tranfcendent teflimony is given, r King. 15. 5. That he turned not afide from any thing the Lord commanded him all the dayes of hir life,lave only in she matter of Udall the Hittite ; a high expreflïon of his holinefs. What then ? (hall we think that David never finned at all, but in that matter ? No the meaning of it is , that David never fell of 'ely or foulely but that time ; in comparifon of that ad, all ref( of the life of David went for fo holy, as if he had lived without any fin at all. In this fenfe the Apoftie Johngiveth the commandnot to finne, r John 2. i, I write unto you little chil- dren that you fin nut (it is a poflibie precept in an evangelical 3' Ç' role ) that is, that you fin not as wicked mendoe, who can doe nothing elfe but fin: In this fenfe Jobfinned not, he carried him- fell like an holy perfon, like an obedient childofGod, like one born ofGod (as the Apoftle fpeaks) whole charaner and priviledge it is that he cannot fin. Such have the bletling of impotency in the un- regenerate part,fo that they cannot fin ftrongly;though,asyet they have not that blefhed ability, in their regenerate part, not to fin at all. TheSeptuagint addeth to this :clank, He finned not before the Lord,or againft the Lord. The vulgar adds, thole words with his