Chap. r. An Expofition upon the Bookof I OB. \erl. 22. 217 bid lips. Neither of them ' mend the fence of the Hebrew Text, and the latter makes it worfe. For it is a higher and clearer teliimony to fay, In all this Job finned not, then to fay, In all this jobfinned not with his lips , for he might fin in thought, &c. though it be moil true which the Apofile fames fpeakes, Chap. 3, 7. If any man offend not in word, the fame is a perfect man. Or chargedGodfoolifhly. The tranflations are fomewhat different; the Septuagint thus,u' idea'w He did not cafe any folly upon God ; others, le did not offer any a" ?` thingunfavourly of God; Another, He did not accufe or complain of S0 ; God. The word in the Original is, He did not give, we translate, iv? ondedit in he did not charge. The word which we translate adverbially [ fóolifhly ] is a Noun M0,n. in the Original , yet it is fully enough to the fenfe, He charged not'w "f x``'70 Godfoolifhly, or he charged not Godwith folly fo it is rather in the7' s'" Olym. Original. That word which is here translated folly figniiieth in Propel jd, thegeneral any thing that is indebite dfpofatum, any thing thatf7t,. is unduly difpofed, any difpofed, in diforder. And we find it in Scripture referred divers wayes. Firíi, It is put for úiiavóury meat without falt or fawce,as fob6. 6. Can that which is unfavoury be eaten withoutfalt ? The word [unfavoury ] there, is the fame with this here rendred fooly or foolifhly. Secondly, It is ufed for mortar that hath not a due temper or mixture in it, as Ezele, i3, 14. Iwill breakdown the wall that ye have daubed with untempered mortar. Mortar that is not well tempered, is unfit forrife. Thirdly, it is put for any rude,undigefied,or indifcreet fpeech, as Lam. 2. 14. Thy Prophets have feen vain andfoolifh thingsfor thee; They have Peen foolifli andunfavoury things for thee. Hence the word is ufed to exprefsmadnefs,becaufemadnefs is the bight offol- lÿ, being without any feafoning, without any temper, a thing that bath no tafle of wifdom or goodnefs in it,Jer.23.13.i havePeenfolly in the Prophets ofSamaria, that is,they are unfavory,their fpeeches are untempered mortar, they are foolilh and vaine. So then, he did not charge.God with folly, ot charge God foolifhy, bath this F f fen( ,