218 Verf. 22. An gxpofttion upon the Bookof 1013. Chap. : fence, Job did not fpeak any thing rafhly or unbecoming the Majefty of God, or charge bim in the leafy to have dealt unwifely or unfufily with him. As iftheLord had, faid Satan, thou didit: expeíl that Job fhould now at this time have charged; me home, and have laid load upon me with complaining.), for dealing thus . withhim, thou expee4edit that he should have broken out intothe dialect ofHell it Pelf, fuch wordsas thcfe, Why what have I done. againft God, that he fhould,deal thus with me ? Is this the wa- ges that Ifhall receivefor the workandfervice that I have donehim ? , Will he difcourage and difhearten others, from coming on to- his fervice ly my-fad example ? Is it juffice in God that,,,! who have livedfi innocently fhouldbe thus extreamly of lieled ? Could the Lord find out no (wearers, no drunkards, ,w adulterers in the. World to let Satan bofe upon, but he muff needs turn him l000fe . upon me ? Had he no other Butt in the World tofhoot the arrowes of his indignation at,but at an innocent breaft ? Is this a juff God who ufes his fervants thus ? or if be be omnifcient and omnipo- tent, why then didhe not protetl me from Satans rage? Why did be not defend mefrom the violence of thofe evil ,men ? Such kind of fpeeches, or to this efffe 1, Satan expected lob wouldhay eut- tered rattily againft the Lord: but he is deceived,l.ob hath no fuck thought, much lefs did he fpeak fuch words either againft the justice., or wifdome, or power of God; he . charges no folly upon God, the only wife God, but gives him glory, fay- ing; Bleffed be his Name whatfoever he cloth with me or mine. Learn from hence first, what blafphemy is,. or what it is to curie God ; To curfe God is to charge God withfolly, or with doing things foolifhly and rafhly. For thefe exprefíions'' expound one anò,her. Satan Paid Job would curie God ; theHoly Ghoft faith, yob bath not' charged Godfoolifhly, therefore that is a definition of Gods own making, plainly declaring what itis to curie GÓd; Yet every' fpeech or .ad unbecoming the Majefty, wifdom and power of God,'oth not prefently denominatea man ablafphemer: There may be blafphemy in what is fpoken, and yet the perfon (peaking not a . blafphemer. Job himfelf fpake many things af, terward unadvifedly in the heatofdifpute,but he blafphemed not. Elafphemy or turfing ofGod properly taken, is ever joyned with an intent ,to cáff reproach uponGod, As everyone is not a lyar that.,