Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. i. AnExpofition uponthe Bookof J O B. Vert. 22,. 21,9 that tell eth what is not true,but he that tellethan untrutlr,kr;o::v - ing it to be an untruth,withan intent to deceive and wrong others. So he that thinkes or fpeakes a thing unbecomming God, with an intent to reproach or dander God and his wayes, this is blafphe- ming indeed. Secondly obferve, Impatience under, andmurmuringat the crofs,whichGod layes, upon us, is a charging ofGod withfolly. Murmuring againfi God, queflions the wifdomeof God. Complaints have a charge in them' We taxe what is done while we fubmit not towhat is done. When we lie under Gods hand quietly and fluently, then we fpeak the praifeofGod, then our carriage afcribes all wifdome, honour and glory untohim. Thirdly, In that it is here laid by wayofexcellency concerning .Job, that in all this Jobfinned not, referring it to his behaviour under thefe aicffllions, as ifthe Holy Ghofi had faid, it is matter of admiration that in this, in all this ,job ¡hould not fin. Note from hence, That it is an high alt, one of the higheff aús ofgrace, to be eompo- fed in thought and word under great affíiltions. In all this Job finned not,as ifhe had faid, it hadnot been much for Job not to fin in other things ; but in this affliction, in this diftrefs being fo put to it, being thus tried, in all this not to fin, is, Grace, aimoft to a miracle. Lafily, Note this, What is well done by us , fhall be fiere to receive a fair teftimony from God. when lob had carried himfclfe difcreet- ly, and fpoken difcreetly, the Lord hides'uoc this in darknefs, he ¡huts it not up in fìllence : but procic es the innocency and uprightnefs of his carrriage in this prefent pillage of his life, as he had done before, concerning the whole couriè ofhis life, and converfation, that he was perfect andupright. The Apo- file publifheth, Glory and í onour and peace to every man that worketh good, Rom. 2. so. They that carry theadelves well either in fuffering or in working for God, fhall haveglory and honour and peace from God. No man needs blow a trumpet in his oWn praife, when he hath done well, as the Pharifees did,Matb.6. What we doe well, the Lord himfelfe will report to all the world, In all this Job finned not, nor charged God foolifóily. F f 2 And