Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

220 ÿerf 22. An Expof taon upon the .00kof JOB. Chapa, And fo we have done with this third part of the Chapter, and with this whole Chapter, which containcs ( as you have heard) thofe three generals, the defcription of jobsprofperous eftate ; The defcription of his tryals and afflifions, and the de- fcriptionofhis carriage under thole afflidions. Nowwhen he is come off from this aflàult without wound, without any touçh of fin ; Satan perceiving himfelfe defeated and fruftrated in this at- tempt, he will not yet give it over; he is reftlefs, he will attempt him once more. We ¡hall find him in the next Chapter at the Affembly again, renewing his motion for a fecond affault, that he may have leave to lay his fiege nearer and job, prefum- ing that though he had not prevailed at the firft, ye he ¡hall at the fecond charges let me charge him but once more,,and then fee his. (all, He will curfe thee to thyface. :