Chap. 2. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. r. 221 JO B 2. 1,2,34,5,6. Verre t. Again there was a day when the foes of God came toprefent themfelves before the Lord, andSatan came alfo among them toprefent hirárfel fbefore the Lord. 2. And the Lordfaid unto Satan,fromwhence comeß thou? AndSatan anfwered the Lord,and faid, fromgoing too and fro in the earth, and from walking `rap and down init. 3. And the Lordfaidunto Satan, Haft thou confderedmy fervantJob,that there is none like himin the Earth,aper- f& andan Upright man,one thatfearethGod,andefcheweth evil ?andfill he holdethfart his integrity ,although thou movedfl' me againhim to deftroy himwithout caufe. 4, AndSatan anfwered the Lord,and faid, skin for skin, yea, allthat a man hath,will he give for his life. 5. But putforth thinehandnow,and touchhis bone andhis fefh, and he will curie thee to thyface. 6. And the LordPaid unto Satan,Beholdhe is in thine hand, butfave his life. t ÿ the Prophet Ezekiel, when in vifion he had been Ezek $ '? (hewed one abomination, was led forward to a fecond and a third and a fourth,with,Comefee a greater abomi- nation then this or thefe,Or as the Angell proclaimeth in. theRevelation, One woe ispaff and another woe it at hand. The fame may we fay concerning this Hiftory of yobs íôr- rows. Having(hewed you his úrít afllietion ía the former Chap- ter, I mull now lead on your attentions, with, Come behold afe- cond, a greater than that ; and having (hewed you one wofull . day j muff now thew you a fecond, Again there was a day when the funs of God came toprefent themfélves. This. whole Chapter prefents U.S in the generali with Jobs fe- cond,