Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

322 Verf. I. AnExpofition upon the Book,of ) OB. Chap. 2. coed tryall. About which we may obferve thefe.particu. lars. r . The occafion of it. 2. The caufes ofit. 3. The manner of it. 4. The confequents of it. 1. The occafionof it was Satans appearing at that heavenly Sec. on,and being therequcftioned about that former aflfiaionofjvb, he, anfwers with finder, and defireth that job may be brought about to a fecond tryall. .2. 'The caufes of this afiion (as of the firíi) are two. r. God. And 2. Satan. i. God permitting and 'limiting it. 2. Satan provoking and then inflicting it. Bothare.laid down in the words of the context now read, to the end of the fixth -verf. 3. The manner of thisafrliaion, was the firiking and fmiting ofjobs body with a fore and noyfome difeafe, which you have contained in verf. 7, S. 4. The Confequents ofthis afiaion, or what followed upon it, and thole are three. a. Hiswives finfull councell, verf. 9. As loon as file law him thus fmitten , What ( faith the ) doeft thou hill' `retaine thine integrity ? Curfe God and die. There's her coun- ,fcll. 2. His wife and holy reply, verf. 3. His friends loving vifit, verf: r r, i.2,r 3.They hearing of the zffliTtion of Job, came from a farre country, tofee himand to comfort him. Thefe are the diftiuft partsof the whole Chapter. Theft fixverfes decipher the occafion and the e ufes ofJobs af- flidtion;Satan inciting and provoking the Lord; and the Lord per- , miffing and Emitting Satan. The three firfl contain the fame matter which we have opened and explained in the former Chapter, and they are almoft word for word the fàme ; therefore I (hail not need to flay long upon them : Only I fhall enquire a little further about two things. Firfr, about the day of this great appearance. And fecondly, -about the perfons appearing, who arc Paid to be the font ofG-od. To