Chap. ;2. An Expofition upon the)3ookof j ©B. VerC 2. 225 and an upright man, one thatfearethGod and ef'cherveth evil ? (This was the Charaaer which God gave of him before in the fbrincr Chapter, but now hegoeth on) Andfiill he holdethfait his irtte_;ri. ty, although thou movedit me againfr him to deltroy him nithorst caul?. This is fuper-added to his Teftimony; his commendation is en- larged. Job (you fee) hath gained in this confli'c`t : He was de- fcribed before as an holy man, now he is defcribed as a tryed man, as an approved Souldier. Job bath obtained this honour in the .tor- mer combate with Satan, a glorious addition to his Charm As the patience and othergraces of Job did increafe, to did tie tellimony of God increafe concerning him. Note from this addition only in the general thus much. That filch as honour God,Godwill honour. If we do any new or further fcrvice for God, God will add fome further honour and refpea tilt. us. If we do, or fay, or fuffer any thing extraordi- nary for God, God will fay,or do fomewhat more then ordinary concerning us. The old character did not ferve, when Job had done thisilew fervice. God will never conceal any of our graces, no nor the improvement ofany of our graces. If we fpeak but a word for God, we (hall here of it again ; God takes it and pens it down, as it is Paid Malac, 3. 16. They that feared the Lord, Jpak. oftenone to another, and the Lordhearkened and heard, anda Book of > emembrance was written; Cod lets it down prefently : So he recorded that Job had fpoken,and gives it him in at the next meet- ing withSatan.We can never lofe either by doing or fufering for God, All (hall be recompensed to the utmoti farthing. As it is ufual with Kings and great menof the world, for great Cervices clone them (efpecially in Wars and Ilattels) to make additions to the titles of honour, to give Ionic new motto's, or put Tome new devi- ces in the Coat -armour of thole who ferve then. Thusdoth God here. Join having play'd the man (as we fay) or rather the Saint'/ in that former combate, he hath a new title of honour put into his fide : Now it is not only fob, a man thatfeared) God and efcherveth evil, but Joba man that hcldethfaft his integrity. Confider the words.themfelves, Andfrill.he holdcthfait his integrity. The words { And frill ] or to this prefent time, may have a doable reference. Firfl, barely to the time pail : Job was not one- 1 V