'224 Verf. t. AnExpofition upon the Bookof J OB. Chap. a. more apparent, though before it was as reall. Sothen according to this Interpretation, the fence ofthe words is. That upon the Sabbath day, when the fervants of God, the faithfulI of that age and place were met, together to celebrate the publick worfnip of God, Satan ( the evill fpirit ) who is ever rea- dy to oppofe and refft us, to interrupt and hinder us, when we appear before the Lord in holydutyes) came allo among them to ,prefent himfelf before the Lord. I propofe this as anopinion to which my own inclination is not ftrong. Thefe words with the context (as was noted in the former Chapter ) Teeming to me, rather a reprefentation of Gods providence towards man, then a defcription ofmans worfhip ten- dered unto God. Luk.4. 14.+ Again there was a day. It may be yet further inquired, howmuch time paffed between the firft and this fecond dayof appearance. Some affirm it was the immediate day after ; others the immediate Sabbath after. A third opinion defers it to theyear after ; Satan cunningly delay-. ing the bufinéfs all that while, to the intent he might more fully fee how the former afflictionwrought,what effe(.ïs it had or would have upon lob, before he attempts a fecond. The text refolveth us in neither ofthefe, but leaveth it indiffe- rent and undetermined, faying only, Againe there was a clay; It is mar probable that there was fuch a diftance oftime between. thefe two afflictions, as was competent to a full difcoveryof jobs fpirit, under thefirfi. As when Chrift was tempted and had foy- led Satan in that temptation, it is laid, the Devill departed from him for afeafon, he left him, probably, to fee what etfeets might follow upon the former temptation : So Satan having tempted Job,and tempted him by a temptation, though one in the general, yet with a four-fold affault, four feveral meffengers, making ( as it were ) foúre chargesupon him, he leaveth him for a feafan, and again when there was a day, he returnes to renew the affault and battery. I fhall paffe over the two verfes following in all that theycon- nine, opened in the former Chapter. But in the latter end of the third verfe, there is fomewhat added very meteriall, where the Lord befpeakes. Satan concerning job, Haft thau confidered my íervant Job, that there if none like him in the :earth, a perfeel and