Chap: 2. AnExpofition upon the Book, of J OB. Verf. a . 22 To the former of thefe the let ifh Do6tors contend much.Tha t this was the firnt day; in the recour fe or returnof the year : inti- mating, if not contending, that the firft dayofevery year was as Gods, day ofgeneral Audit, in which he conveen'd or called to- gether his Angels, to give him an account of all the palTages and . difpatches of the year paft, and to give them inftruecions what to doe, the year coming, which -opinion/ leave, under the cenlùre,NlmHC,aJ n of a learned Interpreter as groffe and groundlefs. , eft. mere. Others: fix it upon, the lateday of the week, affirmingthat thisConvenient vi= was the Sabbath day, and that this was a convention or Airem dell°fpifffe- bly. ofthe Church on Earth for the folemn :worthip of God upon gsod ¡uább í ; that day,which is, here called, a prefenting themfelves before the!Ommuneerar Lord in concurrence with which opinion, the f ns ofGod mutt omnium fidoli- needs be interpreted holy men. I find forne affirming, that men um,idemq;rele arenot called the fonsof God' in all the old Teftament, but the berr;mum.. Angels only,. And fo they take that Text, Gen.. 6. a. The fon: 0lduc,.. ofGod faw the daughters of men, &c. for the Angels either good,- or bad, who being taken with the beauty ofthofe daughters,affu- ming bodies came into them, of whom carne the Gyants. A con ceit as monftrous as thofe- Gyants, and fitter for afabulift then a- Divine. On the other extreme, . * Chryfofiame denyes that the * Inhis Ho. Angels are at all called therms of God. rally on Gear;.. 6 z. Wemay walk fafely in a middleway between thefe two. For both Angels and men are called. the fns of God : Why Angels are called the Eons ofGod hath been (hewed, Chap. a v. 6. Men are called the fons of God for two reafons, either-for their power . orgreatnefs, fo they Gen. 6.2...might be called the fops of God,. becaufegreat and powerful on the,earth. Or rather,,fecondly, for.. their piety,aùd holinefs by whichthey refernble.God,audin which. , they ,ferve God asa findoth the Father. Indeed the Apoflle af- firms that the prtviledge offonfhip was brought in by the Incar, nation,ofChrift, who is laid, . In the fulnefs of time to be .made . ofa woman, &c. That we . might receive the . adoption offons, Gal.4,5. But in Scripture a thing is fppken ofas newly done,when it is more fully done, yob. 7. 39.. The Holy Ghoft is faidnot to be . given at that tina., ',. ; : he hadnot been fo, plentifully given. And the Apoftle t.) the .i-k rrezrzs fpeaks,as if the wayjinto Heaven had been but theo opened, á, ,; ,.ti en more clearly ope- nedl<feb. 9.8. So we arefaid Co receive the adoption of Ions, when Chrilt _caIR . in the fiefh, beaufe, then, our. fon-chip was. , more.