226 Verf. 3. An Expofition upon the Book,of O B. Chap. a, ly a perfeá anda found man in former times,but he is fo Rill, fo at prefent. Or rather fecondly,it refers to the afiáions and loffes he had fufléred ; as hé was informer times, fo he is at this time ; as he +rias in profperous times, fo he is in troublefome times : when the, day w as light and clear to Mtn, fob was a perfeáman and now the day hath nothing but darknefs and gloominefs in it, Job is a perfeá man fill ; though wounded in his eflate and broken in his outward comforts, yet he is as found and whole in his fpirit, as ever he was; Though Cattel, fervants, Children be dead and gd , be fpoil'd and loft ; yet grace is fafe, and faith tryumphs, he holdeth fait his integrity. Holdeth fait. This which we translate by two words, is but one word in the P}'mr Hebrew. Our language is not comprehenfive enough to exprefs the fulnefs ofthat word ; in a word, fobBoth not only hold his integrity,but he holdeth it fall the word implyes a firength in holding, to hold a thing firmely. And more, the word hath a fur- ther Emphafis in it ; it fignifieth not only to hold a thing by that degree of lirength , wherewith formerly we did hold it ; but it dot': import thus much, to waxRronger in the holdingofit, to prevail or increafe in ftrength. As whenDazaid fent Joab to num- ber the people, Joabwas unwilling, and faid to the King; Now samsq. 4. the Lord thy God addunto the people an hundred-fold ; but why doth my Lord the King delight in this thing ? Then it followes, ii_ótwithfanding the Kings word prevailed againft Joab. That which is there tranflated , And his word prevailed, is the fame with this,WL translate here, Holdeth faff ; the Kings words did take a prevailing hold upon Joab, or held him fail to the doingof the Kings command, though he would have got off from the bu- fneCs : fo we may underhand it here, ffib heprevaileth or waxeth' flronger in his iniegrity. The fame word is ufed by the Prophet Malachi, cap. 3. 13, 14: Where God convinceth thofe proud fpirits that puffed at his ter- ?rice; ToïF words (faith he) have been flout againft me. That which we translate, have beenBout, is the fame with this in the Text of fob ; your words have been flout , that is , they have grown franger and franger againft me and my wayes , you are cpntìrm'd in wickedneis s whereas your hearts should have been brought