Chap. 2. AnExpofition upon the Bookof J_O 13. Verf. 227 brought down and humbled , you are increaft and hardned in your obainacy and rebellion. Such is the strength and meaning of the word in this place. yob by this oppofìtiongrows more ftron} and flout in his integrity, he. is fo far from being daunted, that he is encouraged ; he is as he was, nay more than he was, he is increa- fed,(till he holdetbfaft his integrity. His integrity. It isa word of the fame root with that ufed,'f.YThere ryas a man inthe landofUz, and this man was perfect; and theft words illuffrate and expound oneanother. To be a perfect man , is to be a man ofintegrity; there, he was a perfeft man ; now, he is a manholdingfaft that perfeEfion, namely his integrity. From this firif branchobferve, Firft, That Satan in all his temptations plants his ebiefeft bat. tery againftfencerity. Hence it is hereoexpreff, that Job Jtill held faßt his integrity, as if the Holy Gholf would iintimate this unto us, that Satanpulled more at that, than at his effate.Satan did not care at all to pull Jobs Oxen from him, or his Sheep from him, or his children from him, but to pull his grace from him; therefore it is faid Job held that fait : Without queftionSatan affaulted that mof ,which Job heldmolt ; the thing that Satan aimed at, was not to make Job a poor man, but to make him a finful man ; and he would never have troubled him felt to rob him of his riches, but only in fubordination to the robbing himof his gracesâ: That was the booty Satan lookt for. Satan looked at his cattel, onely as pay for his Army ofSabeans and Caldeans : but he look'd upon his grace(if he could have got it fromhim)as pay for principalities and powers. As grace gotten or improved is the joyof Angels So if grace could be ifolne away or deffroyed, it would be the joy of Devils;thiswas Satans hope. Secondly,Note this, Job bolded,fail his integrity: That whatfever a godly man lofeth, . he will be fure to lay hold of hisgraces; he will hold. fpirituals, whatever becomes of tempo- r els. He will be fure to rake faff hold of there, when albis going ; when richçs are going ,; when,children- árì going, when friends aregoiAg,when liberty is going, yea when life-is _ going too, then he layes,fàff hold upon his integrity. , and faith -.(as Jacob to the Angell) Twill not let thee go, and he iith it without exception G g 2 for