228 Verf. 24 An.ixpofition upon the Bookof J OB. Chap. 2. for he knows he cannot be bleiï'ed if that goe. Integrity is his Benjamin, all the Children he hath íhall goe, but thisfon of his right hand muff not ; for indeed his life is bound up in the life of grace :. And if he part with that, he muff lye downwith forrow ist hisgrave. Wherefore he is refolved not to part with that whatfo ever he parts with. As it is with a man at Sea in a fhipwrack, when all is caR over- board, the corn that feeds him, and the cloathes that cover him,yet he fwims to, the fhore if he can with his life in his hand. Or as it is with a valiant Standard-bearer, that carries the Banner in War, if he fees all loft, he will wrap the Banner about his body,and chufe rather to dye in that as his win- ding fheet, then let any man take it from him, or fpoyle him of it, he will hold thatfaff, though he lofe his life for it. So doth job here, fo doth every one that is of jobs heavenly temper and fpiri- tual refolution : in the greaten florm,in the hotteft affault he will wrap himfelf round about with his integrity, wind that about him,and will not let it gó. Kill him ifyou will, deflroy him if you will, he will never part with his integrity, thoughhe part with life. Indeed there is nothing elfe can Rand a man in flead to any purpofe, if that be loft all's loft. A man that is in danger of drown- ing will lay hold upon any thing, upon 4 thaw, upon a rufh, though it have no Rrength to fupport him: Men indanger will lay hold upon fomcwhat ; they that arewife will lay hold upon the Rock, upon that which will do them good in an evil day, t}ey will lay hold upon Chrift, they will lay hold upon promires, (in laying hold upon our integrity all thatis done) then theyare lure to live : for_Wifdome (that is, Chrift) is a Tree of life to all that lay hold upon her, Prov. 3. 18. Thirdly, it is confderable, that this word is ufed for the laying hold upon our weapons, either to defend our felves, or to offend andal-fault our Enemies,Pfal. 35. 2. Davidprays, that God would take holdof fhield and Buckler, anditandupfor his help.We may note from hence, That integrity is our Arms. Integrity is a Chriftians weapon. job layes holdupon his integrity as a Sword to wound his enemy, and as a fhield and buckler to fave ánd defend himfelf. Fourthly, from that expofition of the word, that it fignifieth not only to be firong, but to prevail, it fignifieth ari overcoming power ; he dòth:holdfaff, that is,beprevailetb with his integrity. We may note, ?bat