Chap. 2. An Expofition uponthe BookofJ OB. Vert. 3. That grace doth not only oppof but conquer Satan and all his temptations. He cloth prevaile in' his integrity (fo the Hebrew may be rendred in the letter.) Sometimes (you know) there is a war and oppofition, when there is no conquell ; a war may be carried on divers years in a Nation, or between Nations, when there is no abfolute ViE%ory oh eithcr.Gde : as we fee by woful and lamentable experience in Germany, where there hath been oppo- fition,one fide againit another, above there 20. years, and yet no fide hath prevailed. But as grace makes war, fo grace gets the better, grace gets the day, and will Ihortly make a final coritiuef; yea, there is not only a Conqueft (faith the Aponte, Rom. 8. butthrough Chrill we are more then Conquerors. In the fifth place, I told you that the word fìgnifies to enc,:eafe i;1ftrength,heholdeehfaflhis integrity;orhe en ;reafeth in ftrength in his integrity. Note hence, That True grace gaines by oppofition. True grace is encreafed the more it is affaulted. Satan comes on purpofe to detiroy job's graces ; yob waxeth ftronger in his graces. True grace will do fo in whotnfo- ever it is. Hypocrites (who have but a fnew of grace , painted grace) fall offin times of tryal, in times oftemptation ; that which only tèemeth to be fomewhat, cometh to nothing; but that which is fbmewhat cometh to more. Laftly, Confider the emphafis of the words. God fpeaks of this in a kind ofadmiration ; he putteth a greater emphafis upon this than upon the other part ofjobs character. Verf3. Haft thou confideredmyfervant Job, that there is none like, him in the Earth, a perfef and an upright man, one that feareth Godand ercberneth evil ? and Jtill he holdefl fail his integrity. God fpeakes of it,as a matter of wonder, a rare thing. From this obferve, That to hold our integrity in evil times, is net only good, but admi- rable. It is that which doth even (as we may fo fpeak) provoke God himfelfto an admiration. It is a truth , whether it be in regard ofperfonal troubles or national troubles, to hold fail and keep clofe to God in fuch diftreffes is admirable. To continue good whilewe futher'evil, is the height and crownof goodnefs. As it is that which putteth one of the greateft aggravations upon the G g 3 finf-ul 229