Chap. 2. All Expofation upon the $oälZofJ O B. Vert-. 3. 2y,I .3 -- ply God with argumentsand reafonsto inftigáte him againft job, Thou didfi move me againff hini. Satan is a cunning Oratour, and knowes how to handle a matter, that it may take with greateft advantage. Some may queftion, how can this be ? Will God be moved by Satan ? Is not the Lord unchangeable ?. Have Satans words and arguments fuch power with God to move, him to do a thing I anfwer it two wayes ; Wemay clear it firft thus; as the Saints and people of God in prayer are faid to move God, and to pre- vail with God, they are.faid to carry a bufinefs with God. Now you know what they do in prayer,'they donot only fpread a Pe- tition barely before God, but they firengthen it with all the ar- guments they can,argument upon argurneüt,pleading upon plead- ing ; yet the Lord himfelfis not flirted, he is not changed at all by thePrayer ofhis people it is not to be thought that the Lord. upon the Prayers of his people takes up any new thoughts, or puts onany new refolutions to do this or that for a mercy that is but a day old in regard ofour Prayer obtaining it, is an eternity old in regard ofGod purpofing it, therefore God is not changed at all; but he is laid to be moved to give or do, as or when we pray, becaufe he giveth and doth what he himfèlf had purpofed to give,- whenwe fhould pray :,for as God from all eternity did purpose to give to his people fuch and fuch mercies,fo he did purpolè and de-. ' uauq'tarnße- cree, to give them when they prayed. Now then, as it is in regardmovsri',ad611' ofhis peoples prayer and feeking for mercy,. they move God , butquid so!en rrn it is only the bringing forth of that which he bath in his heart denovo,cunfit from all eternity to do for them r Sohere in this cafe, God had a.inmutahiti! purpofe from all- eternity to tryYob, and likewife he did purpofe taint J uttiérna the way and the means of it, that it fhouldbe done upon the trio- o- producit a- tion and inftigation ofSatan. For although God cannot be moved quid in terparo, . by any todo a thing, which before he intended not, he is unchan- ita ab ætcrna geable,yet by his eternal will and counfel,he Both produce things V )< i it m,`.n in titne:So likewife from eternity he did order and will the man-t nerof their producing; he purpofed to do good forhis Church up- on the fupplications ofhisfervants, and, finaletimes to his Church or fervants'at the inftigation of Satan. Secondly, This place [thou mövedfl'meagainfl bim] is to be un- der(lood by a figure, very frequent in the Scripture ; God fpeak- ingofhimfelf after the manner ofmen; becauCe as men ufually: till eu