Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

} Verf. 18. InExpofition upon the BookofJ O B. Chap:, .That the words of Oppreffors are wounding words. The voyce -of an Opprelror is a terrible voyce; And therefore job puts this -in,as a fpecial priviledge that the poor prifoners ¡hall have in the ,rave,TheyJhall.not hear the voyce of the Oppreffor : who canaeft where they fpeak, or hear their words, and not be troubled rfonaudirevo- Therefore not to bear thevoyce of theOppreffor, is a circumlocutí- (err,ex.aorú on, noting full liberty : The wild Als is to.defcribed, job39.7. circurnlocutiq he regardeth not the crying or thevoyce of the driver; the origi- Pil raxonc !: a:al word is that in the Text , he regardeth not the voyceof,the Op- lhertn£iJ. preffor,or of the Exa±or: this is the liberty of the wild - Afs,which was never inhand or under burdens ; whereas-other Aires that are in hand, and are employed to bear and travel, they mutt be at thevoyce of the driver , they hear the voyce of their Oppreffors And tome men arevery - unmerciful to their beafts ; It is grievous to the poor -Cartel to hear the- voyce of fach drivers ; and the groans of- tholebeaffs will rife up in judgment againft their dri- vers : And if fo, how thenwill the groans of the Saints rife up againft their drivers ! We have lately heard of Oppreffors turn'd Drivers, they have driven their poor Brethren as be.aftsor cattel before them and-more cruel then any fuck drivers, they havenot filtered them to drink of thepuddled water through which they paílèd ; And yet more, the words of thefe drivers, ,as goads and llaves , beat their ears , and pricks them to the hearts in their pafrage. The voyce of thefe Oppreffors is the voyce offcorn, the voyce of slander and reproach; and David thews us from his own experience, howReproaches work, (PM. 42. lo.) as with a fword in my bones mine .enemies reproach me : And the Apoftle (Hebr...Ir. 36.) fpeaks of the .believing perfecuted Jews , that they had this tryal of cruel mocking!, their Oppreffors tharp'ned their Tongues as well as their [wordsagainft them ; the Tongue woundsdeeper then the fword,the Tongue wounds the fpirit,but the ¡word cannot reachbeyond the..fietla : And God will take as deep , if not a deeper revenge upon.Oppreffors for their tongue-` oundings,then for their Sword- woundings hard words,as well s hard.blows, muff beaccounted for. And the Apoftle Judeaf- ía res us , Verf. 15. That the Lord corneth to execute vengeance upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among -them , of their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard .fpeeches which ungodly finners have fpoken a gainfit him. If any (hall fay, When did we fpeak against the - Lord ?