434 YefC 19 AnExpofition upon the Boókof J O$, Chap. this rodof thevoyce ( which finarts worfe then the voyce of tine rod,)and from the fcourge of tongues. And let us pray, that God wouldhatien the performance eitherof that gracious promite,(Ifa. I4. 2.) They (hall take there captives whore captives they were, and they hall ruleover their Opprefors ; or of.that, (Ifa. 6o. a7.) that he would make thofe great andnotable changesintheChurch,and give us fèr brat gold, andfor iron filver, and for wood brafr, and far )tone iron : That he would alto make our ,Officers Peace, and our Exae7ors Righteoufnefs : This will be a time of refrefhing in- deed; And as the time of the refìitution of all things which God hash Token by the mouth of all his Holy Prophets fence the world began, Ads3. 21.. namely, when our Officersfhall be-Peace, and oar very Oppreffors Righteoufrefs : When the very Troublers of a people become their Peace,how great is that peace ? When they, who were the Oppreffors of a people, are turned to be very Righ- teoufnefs , how great is that Righteoufnefs ? And where there is great Righteoufhefs and great Peace, how great is the joy ofthat people ? Yet howfoever the wife God thall order theft outward difpcn rations, yet Ili prifoners have freedom in, though.not from their captivity : And they fhall hear the voice ofhis fpirit speaking more comfort to their hearts,then the voce oftheir oppreflbrs can fpeak terror to their ears. And their ears fhall not long be finitten w th the hardJpeeches of ungodlymen : Death, a blei3ì:d death, will fhortly lead them into the houle and chambers of faience, where,as jobhere fpeaks,they fhall never hear the voice ofthe op- preffor any more. 5 ei,fe i 9. Thefmall and thegreat are there, and thefervant is free_ from his mafler, The Taft infance which yob givesof refs indeath, is contained in this 19 Verfe. In the words before he laid, there theprifoners refl. together, they hear not the voyce of the Oppreffór ; here he adds, The finals andthe great are there, and the fervant isfree from his molter. . Thefmall and thegreat are there. Small andgreat. ] There is a two-fold quantity, in which men may be confidered. There isa natural quantity, and there is a civil quantity, and in both quantitiesfmall andgreat are there. Pirü,