Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37. v1

Chap. 3. An Expofttion upon the-Bcoliof J OB. Vert. 19.ß 435 irft, thereis a natural quantity, by,whíchmen arediftinguiíh- ed into finall and great, children and menof full growth in the grave fuch fmall andgreat are mixed: little children, Children e a (pang long, mingle their duft withmen of higheft feature. Again,there is a civil quantity, and fo thefmall"ae the poor,the low and the mean, theyare 'mall ones 'in a civil account:And civil greatneli is power, 'riches and honour : Thehonourable they are thegreat naen,and the rich are great nien,in a civil-quantitys fo the word is ufed, Chap. i : 3. Jobwar the greateft ofall the men of the Eaft 5 he was the greateft iñ civil quantity,in regard ofhis power, honour and riches. TheProphet Jeremy oppofes the poor and the great, (Chap: 5. v.4, 5.) Therefore IPaid, Surely theft are poor,&c. I willget.meunto thegreat-men, fc, the rich- and.honourable, the Princesand the Magifirates. The(mall andthegreat are there. In Scripture, when we firind the two extreams, ('mall and great are extreams in quantity ,') weare to underftand all the middleaas,or things,or perfons,that is, all that lies between thofe extreams. We read fuch Scrip- ture language concerning the aûionsof men, Pfal. 139.2. Thou knoweft my down-fitting and my up-riling. Here are two 'ex- treams, the two terms of a mans actions and of his life, lEr down-fitting andhis up-rifng : Now is Paid, God knows thefe two, wé are to underftand, that God knoweth whatfoevcr a man loth, all hisanions between his down- fitting andhis up- riling. :So in that promife of a continual blel ing from God, Pfal r2í.,8. The Lord (hall preferve thy going out, ,and thy corn- ing in. Here aretwo extreams; between thefe, we are to include and fuppole all that a man dothwhile he is abroad. God'hallpre- ferve thy going out, and thy coming in, that is, everything thou ta- keft-in hand (according to hiswill) fromthe time thou goeft forth or beginneft thy work in the morning, till thy cominghomefram work, or the end of thy work in the evening Thus'it is clear about things., or anions. It is likewife clear about perlons, Pfal. 49..2. when David calls high and low , rich andpoor to hear, he calls all to hear; Give ear all ye inhabitants of the world, verf. a, Sowhen it is;laid in this Text, The fmall and the great are there, it is not as if thole only were there,or that thole of middle q ian- tity, either in regard of natural or civil proportion, were riot there; For death feizeth upon middle men, as well as (mall and Rreat : There àreVgravesof all imaginable fires and ditnenfions be- K k k z tween